I'm on my way to play Madagascar PC game. Yeah, I know. It's a game for kids but duh. Who cares? I'm not a kid anymore but I'm still playing it :P
And I'm now in 'Coming of Age' part where Melman is going to reach the top of a big and really high tree.
The problem is, I don't know how to make him be on top of the tree since all that I can do (and also all that I know) is to shoot the caterpillars' nests (or whatever it is.. I actually don't even know that :P) and the crows that comes out from a big cave on top of the tree by throwing out some coconuts on the other big branch (that allows Melman to stand up there) across the nests and I really want to make Melman be on top of the tree.
What should I do??
Anyone knows anything about this part?
Somebody please help me. I need a right clue. I need to play this game so bad 0_0
I'm on my way to play Madagascar PC game. Yeah, I know. It's a game for kids but duh. Who cares? I'm not a kid anymore but I'm still playing it :P
And I'm now in 'Coming of Age' part where Melman is going to reach the top of a big and really high tree.
The problem is, I don't know how to make him be on top of the tree since all that I can do (and also all that I know) is to shoot the caterpillars' nests (or whatever it is.. I actually don't even know that :P) and the crows that comes out from a big cave on top of the tree by throwing out some coconuts on the other big branch (that allows Melman to stand up there) across the nests and I really want to make Melman be on top of the tree.
What should I do??
Anyone knows anything about this part?
Somebody please help me. I need a right clue. I need to play this game so bad 0_0
I don't understand how a gil could feel soooo jealous when her BFF had told her that she is the best BFF ever
and a month later, this girl found out that what her BFF hd told her before, 'replaced' the word 'the best BFF ever' to another girl.
Well, we might think that what this girl (who called another girl as her best BFF) had said is bullshit and we know how
hurt is her 'old' BFF's heart feel like.
Bu I don't know. I sometimes get this illustration of a human's relationship.
Once I knew someone and we called ourselves as BFFs and this person told another person that he/she is the best BFF ever, I would feel like I'm crushed.
Okay, maybe that was too much.
So, I don't know how people could throw away their old BFF, which has already known them for as long as the Nile River.
Kinda weird but true.
and a month later, this girl found out that what her BFF hd told her before, 'replaced' the word 'the best BFF ever' to another girl.
Well, we might think that what this girl (who called another girl as her best BFF) had said is bullshit and we know how
hurt is her 'old' BFF's heart feel like.
Bu I don't know. I sometimes get this illustration of a human's relationship.
Once I knew someone and we called ourselves as BFFs and this person told another person that he/she is the best BFF ever, I would feel like I'm crushed.
Okay, maybe that was too much.
So, I don't know how people could throw away their old BFF, which has already known them for as long as the Nile River.
Kinda weird but true.
So I just added another chatbox on my blog. MSN chatbox.
It has the same function as the Shoutmix chatbox (the one that you can post your comments, questions, and more).
The difference is that you can chat with me directly when I'm online on MSN.
Just to make sure that you would be talking to the 'real' me since I knew that another person could lie and say that he/she is myself by putting my twitter/tumblr link on the Shoutmix chatbox :P

So, if you wanna do it, you should click on Begin a conversation -> Send anonymous message -> Type your ID chat name (so I can see who you are!) or select another option if you want -> If you choose 'Type your name', then you must type the characters you see on the pic -> Submit -> You can start chatting with me!
Well, it's a bit confusing actually... And the problem is, if you type too many message in one box, you might not see your message before you send it :P
But, if you wanna see your long message before you send it you could drag a sign on the right bottom corner of the message box. You could drag t to the right side so you can see your whole message before you send it to me.
Well, hope it works!
It has the same function as the Shoutmix chatbox (the one that you can post your comments, questions, and more).
The difference is that you can chat with me directly when I'm online on MSN.
Just to make sure that you would be talking to the 'real' me since I knew that another person could lie and say that he/she is myself by putting my twitter/tumblr link on the Shoutmix chatbox :P

So, if you wanna do it, you should click on Begin a conversation -> Send anonymous message -> Type your ID chat name (so I can see who you are!) or select another option if you want -> If you choose 'Type your name', then you must type the characters you see on the pic -> Submit -> You can start chatting with me!
Well, it's a bit confusing actually... And the problem is, if you type too many message in one box, you might not see your message before you send it :P
But, if you wanna see your long message before you send it you could drag a sign on the right bottom corner of the message box. You could drag t to the right side so you can see your whole message before you send it to me.
Well, hope it works!
First Term Final Tests! (Starts from 1st to 8th of December)
By Kezia Tania - Monday, December 05, 2011
Sorry for not posting anything in the last 2 weeks (I guess) :P
I was having my Final Term Tests and it was such a busy week!
But anyway, I'm free for this week and so on :P
Well, except that I still have lots of things to do for the preparation for my school's Christmas celebration.
Oh well, I'll see you round!
I was having my Final Term Tests and it was such a busy week!
But anyway, I'm free for this week and so on :P
Well, except that I still have lots of things to do for the preparation for my school's Christmas celebration.
Oh well, I'll see you round!
Gue punya seorang temen cewek yang udah deket sama gue udah dari zaman gue ngak tau apa itu artinya 'alay'.
Dia sekarang berada di kelas sebelah. Alias nggak sekelas sama gue.
Dia pernah cerita ke gue kalo dia sempet naksir sama salah satu temen sekelas gue, waktu MOS.
Pas gue tanya kenapa, dia awalnya cuma asik mingkem-mingkem nggak jelas. Sok rahasia gitu. Tapi akhirnya, sogokan seceng gue berhasil juga membuat dia mendeklarasikan alasannya kenapa dia bisa suka sama tuh cowok.
Mau tau alasannya?
Alasannya, dia suka sama model rambut si cowok.
Hehe, wajar-wajar aja sih sebenernya kalo alasannya kayak begitu. Cuma, yah.. Aneh-aneh gimana gitu rasanya. Soalnya temen gue ini keliatannya tuh love life-nya rata-rata basi gitu.
Yah, nggak basi-basi juga sih. Cuma... Yaaah, begitu lah.
Plain gitu istilahnya.
Makanya, begitu temen gue yang paling unik ini ngasih tau kalo dia suka sama siapa, gue shock berat. Koma sebulan di rumah sakit terdekat.
Makanya, sejak saat itu gue sama salah satu sobat gue yang lain (yang kebetulan, sekelas sama cowok yang disukain sama temen unik gue) jadi hobi ngegodain temen unik gue.
Jadi, kalo misalnya secara nggak sengaja kita bertiga berpapasan sama si cowok, kita bakal nyikut-nyikutin si 'unik' lah, "cie-ciean" lah, yah.. anything that girls usually do when it's tme about their friends and the crush =_=
Banyak gaya gue.
Nah, tiba-tiba si 'unik' ini ngaku-ngaku ke gue kalo katanya dia udah nggak suka lagi sama si cowok lantaran sikap s cowok tuh jelek.
Yah, merasa paling kaya seangkatan lah, trus egois lah... Begitu-begitu lah.
Gue bilang, "Hah? Ya ampun. Ckckck, gue ngerti kok perasaan lo. Gue juga pernah merasa kayak gitu. Sabar, ya. Gue doain lo cepet naksir dia lagi." sambil masang tampang kayak begini-> (U.U)
Dia bengong.
Tapi, keisengan sobat gue sendiri ke temen 'unik' ini nggak berhenti sampe disitu aja. Kta masih tetep ngegodain dia sampe sekarang.
Nah, belakangan ini gue demen banget ngegodain si 'unik' sama 'mantan' gebetannya itu, karena nggak jarang mereka berpapasan.
Sampe akhirnya, sejarah Ge-er paling mengguncangkan satu sekolah pun terjadi.
Jadi kan kemarin, pas jam istirahat kedua hari Kamis, kita bertiga ngumpul di kelas 9C sambil ngemilin sopia punya sobat gue yang demen ngegodain si 'unik'.
Terus, kita lagi pada asik-asiknya ngomongin apaaa, gitu. Sampai akhirnya, secara nggak sengaja dan diluar rencana, keluar satu nama negara yang ada hubungannya sama si cowok.
Si 'unik' dengan spontan dan heboh, teriak 'Haaaaa??!!!' d depan kita.
Pokoknya heboh deh.
Gue sampe takut dia bakal headstand di tengah kelas sangking kagetnya.
Gue langsung bilang, 'Diih.. Napa sih lu?'
'Tau... Kenapa? Inget sama bebebe?' kata temen gue yang satu lagi. Anyway, 'bebebe' = nama samaran si cowok.
'Hah?! Lho? Abis tadi lo pada ngomong (nama negara) !' jawab si 'unik'.
'Iya. Terus??'
'Ya... Ehm.. Gua jadi.. Yahh...'
'Inget bebebe?'
'Enak aja!'
Yah begitulah jadinya. Ge-er banget.
Kadang gue suka nggak ngerti gimana caranya seseorang yang udah berkali-kali ngebantu orang lain, tapi orang yang ngebantu ini bahkan dianggep 'nggak ada' sama orang yang dibantuin.
Istilahnya, yah 'dikacangin' gitu.
Intinya, orang yang ngebantu cuma dimanfaatin sama orang yang dibantu.
Gue punya beberapa kasus yang serupa dengan topik di atas.
Dan salah satu 'korbannya' adalah gue :P
Gue tergolong anak yang rada kuper sih emang (kurang pergaulan) hahaha. Jadi temen-temen deket gue juga nggak lebih dari 1000 orang.
*Nggak gitu juga kali -_-*
Anyway, belakangan ini... Yeah, pas tepat minggu lalu, ada 2 orang temen deket gue di kelas yang lagi berantem.
Well, bukan berantem bak kucing-anjing juga sih ya.
Pokoknya mereka lagi berselisih, gitu. Titik.
Gara-garanya, begini...
Si '#' (nyebutnya pake '#' aja ya. Nggak enak kalo nyebut inisialnya =_= *nggak gitu juga kali*) baru aja denger kabar kalo 2 orang temen deketnya (dari kelas sebelah) nggak bisa ikut kita-kita (anak-anak seangkatan) pergi ke Bali buat acara perpisahan kita tahun depan, lantaran kekurangan dana.
Nah, si '#' jadi nggak enak gitu. Dia jadi ngerasa kalo dia lebh baik nggak ikut ke Bali aja sekalian daripada sebagian temen-temennya pada nggak ikut.
Trus, si '%' bilang (temen deket gue dan si # di kelas) ke dia, "ah, elu gimana sh. Kan lu sendiri yang bilang kalo lu pengen seeeemuuaaa anak ikut ke Bali, biar solid gitu??"
Si '#' jadi tersinggung gitu, Dia akhirnya jadi males gitu sama si '%' dan terjadilah perselisihan.
Gue inget banget pas minggu lalu, sepanjang pelajaran hari Jumat lalu nyampe pulang, gue berasa jadi tempat curhatan mereka berdua.
Bolak-balik, bolak-balik.
Si '#' ngegosipin si '%', si '%' ngegosipin si '#'.
Begitu terus sampe pulang sekolah.
Sebagian diri gue merasa nggak enak karena ada keganjalan dan awkward moment sepanjang hari, gara-gara mereka berdua saling cuek.
Sebagian lagi gue merasa seneng karena akhirnya--yeah, akhirnya--gue dianggep juga. Wahahaha.
Jujur, diantara kita bertiga, gue merasa yang paling invisible.
Kalo ada planning baru, pasti si '%' selalu ngasih tau si '#' duluan. Begitu pula sebaliknya.
Tapi untungnya, pas hari Seninnya mereka berdua udah balikan lagi.
And everything back t normal: i'm invisible again.
Disini gue merasa sia-sia aja gitu.
Segala usaha gue rasanya hampa banget.
Gue udah dijadiin gudang curhatan dan uneg-uneg mereka, eh... Ujung-ujungnya malah dikacangin lagi as usual.
Capek tau digituin.
Apalagi nih, kalo misalnya pas lagi ada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, mereka baru dateng ke gue buat nanya-nanya.
Berasa dimanfaatin nggak sih?
Tapi gue sedikit demi sedikit mulai bisa maafin mereka. Gue juga udah sedikit lebih sering ngomong daripada biasanya supaya gue juga bisa dianggep gitu lah. Yeah, well whatever.
Intinya sih, gue cuma harus bisa 'menekan' keberadaan gue dengan cara lebih banyak bercincong ria, like them.
Have a look at this video. It is now one of my favorite songs. Seriously. It's cool :)
So anyway, guess I'm a Rusher now. You know.. the Big Time Rush fans and stuffs..
I actually didn't really interested in BTR. But last Saturday, I was so bored and I watched this Nickelodeon TV series and got these four good-looking guys played in it.
I actually liked Logan Henderson. And now I also like Kendall Schmidt and James Maslow..
But I'm kinda 'crazy' about James Maslow now :p
He's brilliant :) <3
I found a comment from this video (I got it from YouTube) that said, "I think James is not only a hot but also a sweet boyfriend!! <3 And he is the best dancer!! <3 James I want you!!"
Guess she's right. He's the most athletic one in BTR.
Guess he exercises everyday ;p
And not just that. In this music video, he looks so sweet and charming. Also, I like his voice too. Clear and soft >_<
Oh well. Guess it's not on in this video he looks sweet. He always looks sweet. I mean look at his eyes and his teeth~
Such a perfection! <3
Anyway. I think BTR is pretty cool.
At first I thought they weren't interesting but then I got myself wrong ._.
There are about more than a million of a billion of a trillion of a zillion girls in this world that has a huge interest in BTR.
Okay... Maybe, not THAT big ;p but still, you can't count them ._.
So, once again: I'm a Rusher now and I like BTR and I love James David Maslow! <3 <3 <3
Much love for you, James! <3
When your lover gave you a box of sand
And said 'This sand is as much as my love for you'
Do you remember...
Every drop of My blood has said the same words before
When your lover promised that he/she would love you forever
Do you remember...
I've proved that I have loved you before you were born
And will still love you for far longer after your body turns to dust
When your lover said 'I would rather die than make you sad'
Do you remember...
I've died to bring you our endless happiness
I am the one who have created love in your heart before you know him/her
I am the one who always wait outside the door of your heart
When you have another guest that replaces Me from where I suppose to be
I am the one who always walk right behind you after you try to leave
And I always ready to catch you when you can't face the harms and turn around
I am the one who will always be next to you and guide you to the right path
For I am The Way and The Truth and The Life,
No one comes to The Father except through Me
Do you remember...
I am the same God
I am the one who have known everything in your heart
When your lover can't read the words from your eyes
I am the one who spend my time to take care of you
When your lover doesn't have enough time to see you
I am the one who still understand you when you say
It's not important to understand Me
Because you're the one who I really love
And this place in heaven
Is a thing that I've provided to you
And I will keep it until the time comes and gather us
If you let me guide your life
And be faithful
Love, Jesus Christ
(source: Teens for Christ, volume 51, by Agetta Perez)
I miss you.
That's all.
Kadang gue suka mikir. Kan nggak sedikit orang yang bilang kalo banyak orang yang sekolah tinggi-tinggi, tapi ujung-ujungnya malah punya profesi yang nggak sesuai atau malah turun tingkat sama pendidikan yang dia punya.
Misalnya aja, ada orang yang ngambil pendidikan sampe S1. Eh, ujung-ujungnya malah jadi tukang tambal ban, atau malah lebih parah; pemulung.
Oke. Mungkin nggak selebay itu.
Tapi jangan salah.
Gue pernah dikasih tau sama guru-guru dan sumber-sumber lainnya yang lebih tua, kalo nggak sedikit juga fenomena 'apa banget' kayak bgitu terjadi.
Kepala sekolah SMA gue pernah bilang (pas dia lagi 'mempromosikan' SMA kita ke anak-anak kelas 9 termasuk gue untuk menambah minat kita melanjutkan tingkat pendidikan alias SMA kita disini lagi) kalo sekarang nggak sedikit cleaning service itu pendidikannya nyamoe tamat S1 bahkan S2.
Nah lho.
Entah kenapa gue jadi mendadak takut.
Maksud gue, plis deh.
Lulusan S2 aja bisa jadi cleaning service. Gimana kalo yang bukan lulusan S2, coba?
Oh well. Mungkin nggak seburuk itu. Tapi pemikiran kayak begitu bikin gue jadi merasa tersiksa selama belajar.
Gue bukanlah tipe orang yang kalo belajar itu seriusnya banget banget. Tapi juga nggak nyantai banget banget.
Yah, boleh dibilang rada santai dikit lah.
Dan kenyataan bahwa gue sekarang udah jadi murid kelas 9 bikin gue jadi merasa semakin tertekan setiap kali belajar.
Entah kenapa, rasanya gue harus... HARUS bener-bener menguasai secara 100% semua materi yang ada di buku pelajaran gue.
Apa pun itu.
Sampe titik komanya juga harus gue apal.
Gue jadi inget waktu ulangan IPS pertama kemarin-kemarin, gue belajar semalem suntuk dari jam 6 sore nyampe jam 1 pagi.
Gue bahkan nggak pake istirahat atau tidur siang sebentr abis pulang sekolah karena waktu gue habis tersita buat mandi (tau sendiri gue kalo mandi+keramas bisa 1 jam -_-)
Bahannya lumayan banyak. Kita belajar geografi dan sebenernya gue lumayan suka belajar hal-hal yang kayak begini, tapi gatau kenapa waktu itu gue berasa tertekan banget.
Gue juga nggak jarang mukul-mukul kepala gue sendiri pake buku cetak IPS gue waktu itu. Berharap materinya bisa masuk, tapi yang ada malah gue makin pusing.
Bokap nyampe nyuruh gue untuk tidur tapi gue ttep ngotot belajar walopun udah teler banget.
Jujur deh, waktu itu gue bener-bener merasakan gimana rasanya jadi anak kuliah yang lagi ngejer skripsi nyampe begadang.
Bokap gue bilang, "kau udah kayak anak kuliah aja. Belajarnya nyampe begadang melulu.. Ckckck."
Yah, mau gimana lagi? Pendidikan zaman sekarang beda banget sama pendidikan zaman Habibie masih jadi presiden RI.
Kalo yang dulunya anak-anak cuma belajar di sekolah dari jam 7 nyampe jam 12 (walopun udah tingkat SMA), sekarang bisa dari jam setengah 7 nyampe jam 4 sore. Nyampe di rumah udah jam 5.
Belom lagi masih harus ikut berbagai macam les kayak bimbel (bimbingan belajar).
Aaah. Udahlah. Mati aja.
Kadang gue juga suka mikir apa gunanya seseorang belajar tinggi-tinggi nyampe dapet gelar S3 kalo ujung-ujungnya dia cuma jadi penulis lepas?
Gue takut gue bakalan jadi kayak beitu.
Cita-cita gue sebenernya kepingin jadi penulis buku, musisi, penerjemah, dosen bahasa (bahasa apa aja deh. Mau Inggris, atau Indonesia, atau Swedia, pokoknya yang gue bisa -_-), penulis skripsi, atau bahkan sutradara.
Tapi setelah gue pikir-pikir, kayaknya gue nggak bakalan dapet bayaran yang bagus kalo cita-cita gue aja yang 'lemah' begitu.
Gue awalnya yakin banget kalo gue pasti bisa menghidupi diri gue sendiri atau bahkan keluarga gue kelak dengan hanya jadi penulis. Tapi kayaknya itu nggak semudah yang gue kira.
After all, jadi penulis buku itu harus kreatif. Harus bisa punya imajinasi yang keren banget supaya buku-bukunya bisa laris dan disukai banyak orang.
Ambil contoh, J.K.Rowling sama Stephanie Meyer.
Kalo mereka nggak kreatif, mereka nggak bakalan bisa nerbitin buku such as Harry Potter sama Twilight Saga.
Ada lagi pemikiran di dalam diri gue yang muncul bersamaan dengan pemikiran sejenis:
Banyak orang yang kerja dengan skill yang nggak ada hubungannya dengn pendidikan yang udah dia tempuh.
Contohnya, yah kayak yang tadi itu. Ada orang lulusan S1 eh malah jadi cleaning service.
Tapi gue juga takut sama masa depan gue nanti. Gimana jadinya kalo misalnya gue udah kuliah nyampe S1 (Amiiiin, ya. Semoga bisa. hahahaha), eh ujung-ujungnya gue malah jad tukang siomay keliling komplek dan usaha gue nggak ada peningkatan? (dih. Amit-amit.)
Pathetic banget.
Apalagi sekarang ini udah banyak anak-anak muda yang pinter-pinter. Yang udah bener-bener menghasilkan karya.
Itu artinya, persaingan generasi muda kayak kita ini bakalan jadi susah banget, kan?
Tapi gue cukup percaya sama keyakinan dan dukungan ortu gue kalo gue pasti bakal jadi orang sukses. Bakal jadi orang yang punya pekerjaan yang layak, yang gue suka, dan bisa dapet bayaran yang cukup buat menghidupi diri gue dan keluarga gue kelak dengan baik.
Gue bukannya menyombongkan diri. Tapi bagaimana pun juga, kita tetep harus optmis ngadepin semua masalah yang ada.
Kita nggak tu kapan nasib bisa berubah.
Mungkin aja besok Tuhan ngasih kita rejeki.
So, keep learning, explore your mind, and do the best! :)
Misalnya aja, ada orang yang ngambil pendidikan sampe S1. Eh, ujung-ujungnya malah jadi tukang tambal ban, atau malah lebih parah; pemulung.
Oke. Mungkin nggak selebay itu.
Tapi jangan salah.
Gue pernah dikasih tau sama guru-guru dan sumber-sumber lainnya yang lebih tua, kalo nggak sedikit juga fenomena 'apa banget' kayak bgitu terjadi.
Kepala sekolah SMA gue pernah bilang (pas dia lagi 'mempromosikan' SMA kita ke anak-anak kelas 9 termasuk gue untuk menambah minat kita melanjutkan tingkat pendidikan alias SMA kita disini lagi) kalo sekarang nggak sedikit cleaning service itu pendidikannya nyamoe tamat S1 bahkan S2.
Nah lho.
Entah kenapa gue jadi mendadak takut.
Maksud gue, plis deh.
Lulusan S2 aja bisa jadi cleaning service. Gimana kalo yang bukan lulusan S2, coba?
Oh well. Mungkin nggak seburuk itu. Tapi pemikiran kayak begitu bikin gue jadi merasa tersiksa selama belajar.
Gue bukanlah tipe orang yang kalo belajar itu seriusnya banget banget. Tapi juga nggak nyantai banget banget.
Yah, boleh dibilang rada santai dikit lah.
Dan kenyataan bahwa gue sekarang udah jadi murid kelas 9 bikin gue jadi merasa semakin tertekan setiap kali belajar.
Entah kenapa, rasanya gue harus... HARUS bener-bener menguasai secara 100% semua materi yang ada di buku pelajaran gue.
Apa pun itu.
Sampe titik komanya juga harus gue apal.
Gue jadi inget waktu ulangan IPS pertama kemarin-kemarin, gue belajar semalem suntuk dari jam 6 sore nyampe jam 1 pagi.
Gue bahkan nggak pake istirahat atau tidur siang sebentr abis pulang sekolah karena waktu gue habis tersita buat mandi (tau sendiri gue kalo mandi+keramas bisa 1 jam -_-)
Bahannya lumayan banyak. Kita belajar geografi dan sebenernya gue lumayan suka belajar hal-hal yang kayak begini, tapi gatau kenapa waktu itu gue berasa tertekan banget.
Gue juga nggak jarang mukul-mukul kepala gue sendiri pake buku cetak IPS gue waktu itu. Berharap materinya bisa masuk, tapi yang ada malah gue makin pusing.
Bokap nyampe nyuruh gue untuk tidur tapi gue ttep ngotot belajar walopun udah teler banget.
Jujur deh, waktu itu gue bener-bener merasakan gimana rasanya jadi anak kuliah yang lagi ngejer skripsi nyampe begadang.
Bokap gue bilang, "kau udah kayak anak kuliah aja. Belajarnya nyampe begadang melulu.. Ckckck."
Yah, mau gimana lagi? Pendidikan zaman sekarang beda banget sama pendidikan zaman Habibie masih jadi presiden RI.
Kalo yang dulunya anak-anak cuma belajar di sekolah dari jam 7 nyampe jam 12 (walopun udah tingkat SMA), sekarang bisa dari jam setengah 7 nyampe jam 4 sore. Nyampe di rumah udah jam 5.
Belom lagi masih harus ikut berbagai macam les kayak bimbel (bimbingan belajar).
Aaah. Udahlah. Mati aja.
Kadang gue juga suka mikir apa gunanya seseorang belajar tinggi-tinggi nyampe dapet gelar S3 kalo ujung-ujungnya dia cuma jadi penulis lepas?
Gue takut gue bakalan jadi kayak beitu.
Cita-cita gue sebenernya kepingin jadi penulis buku, musisi, penerjemah, dosen bahasa (bahasa apa aja deh. Mau Inggris, atau Indonesia, atau Swedia, pokoknya yang gue bisa -_-), penulis skripsi, atau bahkan sutradara.
Tapi setelah gue pikir-pikir, kayaknya gue nggak bakalan dapet bayaran yang bagus kalo cita-cita gue aja yang 'lemah' begitu.
Gue awalnya yakin banget kalo gue pasti bisa menghidupi diri gue sendiri atau bahkan keluarga gue kelak dengan hanya jadi penulis. Tapi kayaknya itu nggak semudah yang gue kira.
After all, jadi penulis buku itu harus kreatif. Harus bisa punya imajinasi yang keren banget supaya buku-bukunya bisa laris dan disukai banyak orang.
Ambil contoh, J.K.Rowling sama Stephanie Meyer.
Kalo mereka nggak kreatif, mereka nggak bakalan bisa nerbitin buku such as Harry Potter sama Twilight Saga.
Ada lagi pemikiran di dalam diri gue yang muncul bersamaan dengan pemikiran sejenis:
Banyak orang yang kerja dengan skill yang nggak ada hubungannya dengn pendidikan yang udah dia tempuh.
Contohnya, yah kayak yang tadi itu. Ada orang lulusan S1 eh malah jadi cleaning service.
Tapi gue juga takut sama masa depan gue nanti. Gimana jadinya kalo misalnya gue udah kuliah nyampe S1 (Amiiiin, ya. Semoga bisa. hahahaha), eh ujung-ujungnya gue malah jad tukang siomay keliling komplek dan usaha gue nggak ada peningkatan? (dih. Amit-amit.)
Pathetic banget.
Apalagi sekarang ini udah banyak anak-anak muda yang pinter-pinter. Yang udah bener-bener menghasilkan karya.
Itu artinya, persaingan generasi muda kayak kita ini bakalan jadi susah banget, kan?
Tapi gue cukup percaya sama keyakinan dan dukungan ortu gue kalo gue pasti bakal jadi orang sukses. Bakal jadi orang yang punya pekerjaan yang layak, yang gue suka, dan bisa dapet bayaran yang cukup buat menghidupi diri gue dan keluarga gue kelak dengan baik.
Gue bukannya menyombongkan diri. Tapi bagaimana pun juga, kita tetep harus optmis ngadepin semua masalah yang ada.
Kita nggak tu kapan nasib bisa berubah.
Mungkin aja besok Tuhan ngasih kita rejeki.
So, keep learning, explore your mind, and do the best! :)
Okay. So last Saturday, on Oct 21st my school just arranged our HATS (House of Appreciation for Talented Students) 2011. It's our regular school art show. We always arrange it every October since 2 or 3 years ago.
It's not the best show we've done but it still is good anyway :)
Actually there were some of the juniors who didn't agree with the implementation cause this year's HATS was pretty different than the other HATS we've arranged.
Cause we had to do it in the afternoon.
Sounds weird, you know.
HATS is always be held at night. But because of the lack of funds, we couldn't make it.
And not just that. On the last HATS, we could invite our friends who were not the students in out school, and Senior High kids could even come and there were lots of snacks corner there, even though it rained before we finished HATS.
And this year, only Junior High kids who had to come.
Or let's say.... It's a must.
But I think it's still such a cool show anyway.
I've been there at about 9 am. It was supposed to be started at 11 but it din't make it cause we had to wait for those who joined a seminar.
I actually wanted to come to the seminar but it was too late cause I wasn't sure if me and my dad would be allowed to come in at 8 when the form registration was open from 7 until 7.30 -_-
So we didn't join it.
Finally, about 11.30, HATS started.
There were 2 of my friends who were the MC. Both was pretty good.
And we started with the first show; a Balinese dance. It was so short-timed that I didn't even believe that that was the real show rather than just a practice.
But still; cool.
And then I forgot. Guess it was the choir show or another dance. The choir was pretty good anyway.
Oh well. So let's just skip all the shows until it went rain before the show ended.
So it was about 1.30 pm and my Biology teacher was announcing the HATS competitions' winners.
Oh, I didn't tell you about this.
HATS art show always follows the competitions before it.
Like Fun Run (it was held about 2 years and a year ago). It's a running competition between students from my school and another students from outside ours. They have to run for 5 Km and the winner will be announced on the day when the HATS show is held.
But we didn't do any Fun Run this year. Because of... Well, you know. Because of the lack of funds.
So we only made BFC (B'Jerzz Futsal Competition) B'Jerzz is a nother name for the students in this school. I mean, not just the students. I think it also the teachers and the cleaning services, and also the securities... and.. Oh well.
Guess it means all about my school and the people in there -_-
So, it's pretty sad to know that we didn't win as the first winner but the third. But it was such a cool game :)
And uhm.. Oh, yes. I forgot.
Let's get back to the show.
So it was about 1.30 pm when it suddenly rained. Me and some of my friends had already gone inside the school (the show was held on the sport field) before it rained.
And so about 30 minutes later, we continued the show in the Kindergarten's hall.
Some of the sponsors had gone before we continued it. So it felt kinda weird =_=
And then there was a beatboxing performance from the 8th grader. It was cool seriously. But I'm scared and lil' bit disgust about the mic he used. Probably there would be tons of mouth bacterium moved from his mouth to the mic.
Poor mic.
Wish it all happiness when someone use it too for the next beatboxing.
And then there was a modern dance show. Seriously. It was reeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyy cool as hell.
And yeah well, you know. Kids who join this kind of show is always the popular ones.
And after that, there was a modelling show. Actually it was a part of Entertainment class, which mean, I was supposed to be one of them cause I'm in that class too.
But the teacher had given us a choice if we wanted to join the modeling class or acting. And yes, I chose acting. Not modelling.
Like, duh.
That's so not me.
I'd rather act like a psycho than have to walk in front of million of billion of trillion people out there and wear a ridiculous cloth.
Like, seriously.
I would feel so dumbass.
And so we finally finished the show until it was about 4 pm and I went home at about 6.
What a day.
Solid. Itu adalah satu-satunya kata yang belakangan ini paling sering gue denger dan paling sering dibahas diantara anak-anak kelas 9 di sekolah gue.
Sebenernya solid tuh apa sih? Zat cair? Bahaha.
Sayangnya, bukan itu -_-
Solid disini maksudnya 'solidaritas'.
Permasalahannya adalah, angkatan 17 SMPK gue yang nama angkatannya 'Dix-Sept' (bahasa Prancisnya '17') ini ada solideritasnya nggak?
Lho? Kok bisa timbul pertanyaan semacem itu? ._.
Begini ceritanya...
Konon, di suatu negeri antah berantah, datanglah seekor cicak..
Halah -_- Malah ngelantur.
Bukan, bukan. Maksud gue, awal dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah kondisi Dix-Sept ini.
Jadi, kita itu angkatan pertama di SMPK ini yang ada kelas bilingualnya.
Sebelum ada angkatan kita, SMPK ini masih kayak sekolah biasa yang nggak ada kelas bilingualnya... Tapi, begitu tahun akademik 2009, mulai diadain tes bilingual.
Nah, sejak adanya tes itu, ada sedikit 'kesenjangan sosial' (halah -_-) antara anak-anak yang masuk kelas bilingual sama yang reguler.
Meskipun udah diadain retest bilingual pas Juli kemarin, tetep aja ada rasa kesel-kesel gimana gitu dari kedua pihak (oh plis. Bahasa gue emang seperti ini =_=)
Nah, kebanyakan anak-anak dari kelas bilingual yang lama (yang udah kepilih jadi anak bilingual sejak kelas 7) memilih untuk solid dan tetep sekelas sama anak-anak sesama bilingual, sampai perpisahan nanti.
Jadinya, ada beberapa yang (menurut gue, sesuai dengan survei yang gue lakukan lewat update-an status anak-anak kelas biling) belajar sebelum retest bilingual pas liburan kenaikan kelas kemarin... Supaya bisa tetep sekelas lagi, gitu.
Akhirnya, ada 4 orang anak (termasuk gue) yang keluar dari kelas biling gara-gara hasil retest kemarin nggak memenuhi syarat untuk masuk ke kelas bilingual tahun ini.
Gue nggak belajar karena males, dan jujur, sebenrnya waktu tes IPA, itu lumayan gampang. Tapi dengan berat hati, gue memilih jawaban yang salah hingga akhirnya gue pindah ke kelas reguler.
Gue gak sedih. Gue gak kecewa. Gue juga nggak kesenenang. Gue netral.
Gue juga nggak berkecil hati dengan kenyataan yang sebenarnya bahwa gue adalah satu-satunya cewek dari kelas bilingual yang pindah alias 'turun jabatan' ke kelas reguler.
Gue juga nggak bangga atau merasa keren karena sudah memecahkan rekor sebagai cewek pertama yang pindah 'tingkatan' kelas di SMPK ini.
Kenapa? Soalnya banyak guru yang bilang kalo kepindahan kita ke kelas reguler itu nggak apa-apa. Toh, kita juga sama-sama belajar buat persiapan berbagai ujian nanti. Dan gue sudah membuktikan bahwa perbedaan antara kelas bilingual dengan reguler itu sedikit.
Lagi pula, gue juga menyadari bahwa gue merasa sedikit ketinggalan kalo gue di kelas bilingual. Jadi, daripada gue tetep ngelanjutin kelas 9 di kelas biling tapi guenya nggak nangkep pelajaran yang disampaikan, ngapain juga? ._.
Nah, kembali ke masalah solid tadi.
Anak-anak kelas bilingual dari kelas 7 sampai sekarang terkenal sama kesolidaritasannya. Emang sih, gue merasakan adanya perbedaan kepedulian antar sesama temen sekelas di kelas reguler.
Jadi, seangkatan ini pada tau kalo anak-anak bilingual angkatan kita tuh solid banget.
Belakangan ini, pas pelajaran Biologi (kebetulan gurunya wali kelas gue), kita ditanya, "nak, sebenrnya kamu tuh merasa seangkatan nggak sih, dengan anak-anak kelas sebelah?"
Dan otomatis, jawabannya adalah "nggaaaaaaaak...!"
"Lho, kenapa?" tanya wali gue.
"Abisnya anak kelas A (kelas biling. 9A.) sombong-sombong sih bu!"
"Lha, kok kalian mikir begitu?"
"Iya bu. Pada pinter-pinter, jadinya pada sombong... Sok solid, lagi bu!"
"Tapi apa kalian nggak mau rukun-rukun sama mereka?"
"Yah gimana mau bisa rukun bu, kalo mereka aja nggak mau rukunan sama kita??"
"Hmm.... -_- nak, mereka juga sama kayak kalian. Mereka pikir kalian juga nggak mau rukunan sama mereka."
"Nah kan, bener? Ya udah bu. Kalo gitu kita pas perpisahan, bikin 2 acara aja!"
"Iya, bu! Kelas B sama C satu acara, terus kelas A bikin acara sendiri sanaaa..!" kata murid yang lain.
"Iya, bener. Kan mereka.... Soooooollliiiiidddd~ ahahahahahaha" kata murid yang lain lagi -_-
Yah, begitulah jadinya. Mungkin konflik kayak begini terlalu kekanak-kanakkan untuk dipermasalahkan sama anak-anak kelas 9, tapi toh begini kenyataannya -_-
Gue sih netral-netral aja. Berharap agar angkatan Dix-Sept ini bisa makin rukun...
Seriously, this is one of my favorite songs. It actually gives me a heartbreak feeling but in the other side, it also gives me a happy mood :)
I think it's because of the way Sara made this song. I think she's really creative. It shows that she is, from the way she turned her sad and heartbreak moments into songs that makes me can feel how she felt from listening to her songs.
I actually didn't really like this song at first, but then I turn into a crazy listener. Oh, okay. Maybe, not as that CRAZY :P
But still, I'm in love with this song.
Or, maybe you'd like to listen to another song of hers? This is my favorite too, by the way :)
Check this (I can't upload the video, so just click this link):
This song tells about a girl who was in love with a boy but the boy was in love with another girl. And this girl (who was in love with the boy) was still making herself sure that there would be the time when she and the boy could have a happy life together. But in the end, she decided to believe that she and the boy were and would be always 'between the lines'
I think that was the meaning of the song.
Ohh... What a sad song, really. It touches my heart so bad :P
So yeah, I guess those songs are wonderful and beutiful. You should listen to them ;)
Well, they might call your tears out a bit ;P
But still, amazing <3 <3
God bless,
Kezia Tania

Well, kedengerannya childish banget. Tapi judul di atas sengaja gue pilih sebagai judul postingan kali ini, karena gue ingin menyalurkan rasa gelisah sekaligus galau gue hari ini. Sekaligus juga, pingin bisa bikin siapa pun yang baca post ini jadi sadar. Hahaha..
Semua orang pasti pernah ngerasain yang namanya disakitin.
Gue gak bermaksud untuk menjadi sok suci, sok baik, atau apalah itu namanya yang sifatnya menggurui. Tapi, tolong dibaca dulu ;P
Disakitin itu emang rasanya nggak enak banget. Ya iyalah, namanya aja juga 'diSAKITin'. Oh, sudalah. Gue terlalu nge-jayus jadinya -_-
Yeah, well. Disakitin bisa berarti banyak.

Bisa disakitin gara-gara pacar (ehem!), keluarga, temen, guru, atau pun orang-orang lain di sekitar kita.
Semuanya itu nggak enak banget.
Sebenernya, kalo dilihat dari cara pandang gue sendiri, perasaan 'disakitin' itu tergantung dari cara kita ner
ima rasa sakit itu.
Contohnya aja, pas disakitin sama temen sendiri. Nah, sebenernya ada 2 kemungkinan yang mempengaruhi sikap kita dalam
nerima kenyataan bahwa kita udah 'disakitin' sama temen kita.
Pertama; temen kita itu nggak sengaja nyakitin kita. Lho? Nggak sengaja? Iya. Maksudnya 'nggak sengaja' disini adalah bahwa (yow. Bahasanyaaaa =_= haha) si temen kita ini misalnya baru di marahin sama ortunya. Terus, secara nggak sengaja dia ngelampuasin kemarahannya ke kita.
Kedua; bisa jadi karena dia emang secara sengaja nyakitin kita.
Jadi, kalo kita terlalu 'memasukkan ke dalam hati' apa yang sudah dikatakan orang lain kepada kita (khususnya yang sifatnya negatif), kita bisa jadi pribadi yang sensitif banget (gak pake aja). Dan bahkan lemah dalam menghadapi segala hal, khususnya tantangan hidup.
Eh, gue serius.
Oh, oke. Jadi maksud gue adalah bagaimana cara terbaik buat kita supaya nggak mengalami galau atau sakit hati atau benci yang berkepanjangan.
Menurut gue, beberapa hal yang bisa dicoba buat kita (khususnya manusia-manusia seperti gue, yang sekarang lagi dalam masa pra-remaja dan remaja :P) supaya kita bisa makin tegar menghadapi rasa sakit yang kita rasain tiap kati kita disakitin:
1. Dengerin lagu-lagu galau = ini adalah cara pertama yang jadi andalan bagi setiap orang begitu tau kalo mereka merasa disakitin. Ini juga merupakan cara permulaan seseorang merefleksikan diri mereka pas lagi merasa sedih.
2. Menagislah = kedengeranya sedikit 'ber-sinetron-ria' tapi percaya deh. Ini adalah satu-satunya cara yang 'mempersilakan' diri kita untuk numpahin semua perasaan yang ada dalam diri kita. Kesel, dendam, merasa terhina, sakit hati, sedih, semuanya dapat dengan mudah kita tuangkan melalui tangisan.
3. Berdoa = Ini juga merupaan cara yang ampuh buat bikin perasaan kita jadi lebih baik. Menurut gue, melalui berdoalah pikiran, hati, jiwa, dan raga kita jadi lebih baik dan lebih tenang. Minta sama Tuhan supaya kita dikasih kekuatan, kesabaran, dan penghiburan buat kita supaya kita jadi merasa lebih baik.
4. Bikin puisi/lagu/cerpen/ngeblog/nulis diary = Kenapa? Soalnya dengan hal seperti ini (sama seperti yang biasa gue lakukan) pikiran kita jadi terfokus dengan masalah 'disakiti' ini. Terfokus disni maksud gue bukannya malah jadi semakin kepikiran. Tapi ngebantu kita untuk jadi lebih baik.
Coba deh, kita coba ngelampiasin rasa disakitin ini dalam bentuk tulisan. Hasilnya bisa dipastiin bakal jadi hasil yang nggak jelek, karena berasal dari perasaan kita sendiri.
Misalnya kita sakit hati sama pacar atau gebetan, kita bisa bikin puisi atau bahkan lagu buat dia. See? Hasilnya pasti lebih real karena lirik dan nadanya berasal dari hati kita, yang sesuai buat pacar atau gebetan itu.
Atau kalo nggak bisa bikin puisi atau lagu, nulis diary aja. Atau ngeblog. Sama seperti yang gue lakukan detik ini. Anggap buku diary atau blog kalian itu sebagai sobat penyimpan rahasia kita. Dan curhatlah sepuas-puasnya lalu di publish supaya orang-orang bisa liat, atau bisa ngerti perasaan kita (kalo mau di publish. Kalo enggak, ya gapapa :} )
Tapi inget, selagi kita menulis post tersebut untuk di publikasikan, pastikan gaya penulisan dan bahasanya masih bisa diterima masyarakat umum. Misanya yah dengan cara nggak nyisipin kata-kata kasar.
Jangan salah, meskipun baru pemula, begitu di publikasikan dan ada orang yang baca, kita bisa dituntut karena telah menyisipkan tulisan-tulisan yang 'nggak banget'.
5. Denger lagu-lagu hepi = Kegiatan ini gue masukin sebagai bagian terakhir dalam upaya 'penye
mbuhan diri dari rasa disakitin' soalnya dengerin lagu hepi itu bisa ngebawa suasana hepi juga
. Dan tentunya, suasana seperti itu akan jauh lebih baik dan lebih enak dinikmati kalo kita dengerinnya pas udah di saat terakhir kita melakukan 'terapi' rasa sakit ini.

Oh, oke. Sepertinya gue terlalu cerewet -_____- Maaf, sudah membuat mata dan pikiran kalian jadi pusing dan 'terkontaminasi' dengan ceramahan gue ini yang sifatnya terlalu menggurui untuk ditulis oleh seorang cewek berumur 14 tahun ini.
Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh. Too much ._.
Chao! Hope all of us feel better and stronger
God bless
YAAAAAAAYYY...!! Finally, it's Friday! \(^o^)/ And Friday means that today is the last day for students in my school to face our mid term tests this first term!
Oh, well.
Not really, actually :/
The truth is that we still have one day until it is really really done to be faced. Haha -_-
We'll have Conversation and Mandarin (from China. Not from our school.) on Monday September 26th.
It's kinda weird, you know =_= I mean this is the very first time for all of us to have Mandarin test right from China. Yeah, I mean the test, the questions, the sheets are from China. And that means there are Chinese teachers who made the test for us. Yeah, like... Real Chinese, you know.
Well actually we've had that kind of test before... Guess, when we were in the 5th grade or 6th. But that was just some of us who studied in this school when in Elementary :P
My Mandarin teacher said that there will be no Latin words on the sheet. And we were all like, "what the hell?!" =_=
So she means that there will be no 'a, b, c, d, e, f, g,...' on the sheet. Well, escept for the multiple choice :P
So there will be lots of Han zi. Yeah, you know. Mandarin words that makes people confuse :P
So anyway, talking about mid term tests, we just finished Religion and Mandarin tests. Mandarin again?
Oh. Guess you didn't read what I've wrote before ._.
The Mandarin test that we'll have on Monday is a Mandarin test from China. So Chinese teachers who made the test.
And today, we just had Mandarin tests from our own school. Our Indo-Chinese teacher who made the test.
Both of the tests were pretty easy, even though I'm still scared of the result later :P
I studied at 12.30 am until 5.30 am today cause I fell asleep from 5 pm until 12.30 am yesterday :P
I was pretty tired after did English and Social Studies tests. So I immediately jumped into my bed and fell asleep. I wanted to wake up at 6.30 pm and I've set my alarm clock and also asked my dad to wake me up on that time. But I kept sleeping until it was 12.30 am -_-
Thank God, I woke up that tine, so I still have enough time to study Religion and Mandarin :P
So, Okay then. I think that's all for today. The only thing that scared me of now is only the results of the tests -_-"
This is so scary. It scared me. It Freaks me out -_-
Oh well, hope the results are good! :D
Good luck and have a nice day for you all :)
Oke. Mungkin judul dari postingan gue kali ini bukanlah judul yang layak dipampang di halaman pertama sebuah blog. Apalagi kalo yang punya blog itu adalah cewek. Dan merupakan salah satu dari topik yang "nggak banget".
Tapi jujur, gue baru saja mengalami hal yang paling menyebalkan sepanjang sejarah permasalahan ringan mengenai sistem pencernaan manusia, yang disebut dengan: sakit perut.
Gue sebel banget sama yang namanya sakit perut. Sekalinya sakit perut, pasti bawaannya mager melulu, alias males gerak. Sakit perut juga bisa bikin ekspresi orang jadi tidak enak dipandang (duile, bahasanya -___-).
Bayangin aja, kalo misalnya lo diundang ke pesta temen, atau yah... Ngumpul-ngumpul bareng temen-temen gitu, terus lo sakit perut gak ketulungan. Bisa berabe.
Bisa dibayangin ekspresi wajah kita jadi super nehi-nehi (bahasa gue untuk kata 'aneh'. Nehi-nehi sih emang, tapi kata 'aneh' itu emang nehi-nehi.) dengan kedua alis berkerut, mata merem-melek, dan tangan memegang perut.
Atau bahkan, lebih parah lagi. Yaitu; berdiri setengah jongkok sambil merundukkan badan. Dan temen lo saking pedulinya, nanya "lo kenapa? sakit perut, ya?" trus kita jawab, "iya nih. Gue lagi sekit perut." "aduh, mau gue anterin ke toilet? daripada entar mulesnya nambah..." "eng, enggak deh.. nggak usah. hehehe, gue nggak papa kok. cuma sakit perut biasa ajaa... hehe" "hah? yakin lo?" "iyaaaaa..." "aduhh, entar deh. gue jadi nggak enak nih. gue kasih tau BlahBlah dulu deh. bilangin suruh anterin lo ke rumah lo. kasian lo disini gak ada yang jagain kalo entar kenapa-kenapa..."
Apa banget.
Gue nggak tau apa yang menyebabkan gue jadi sakit perut. Mungkin karena makanan kantin yang gue beli abis pelajaran OR selesai.
Mungkin juga gue telat makan.
Gue bener-bener merasa kayak seekor anak kucing gembel yang keracunan, yang duduk di pinggir jalan raya diantara keramaian kota dimana kendaraan hilir mudik (disini maksudnya orang-orang di lobi sekolah -_-) dan nggak punya keluarga.
Oh menyedihkan.
Kebetulan waktu itu temen-temen gue pada ekskul dan sebagian udah ada yang pulang.
That was so pathetic :'(
Jadi yah intinya, hati-hati aja kalo beli makanan. Dan jangan sampe telat makan.
So, I just like to spend my spare time going to Cleverbot. It's a website that allows people to chat with a robot that has about 42% human's intelligence. And I got several conversations from people around the world who chat with Cleverbot when I clicked the 'cleverness' button under the chat box.
Check this out :)
1st Conversation:
2nd Conversation:
And how the hell, I couldn't believe that Cleverbot knows song lyrics! Check this conversation, this is so freakin' hilarious and cool:
Check this out :)
1st Conversation:
User: What the?
Cleverbot: What are you talking about?
User: What are you talking about?
Cleverbot: What you are talking about.
User: Yes, what are you talking about?
Cleverbot: I'm talking about trying to figure out what you're talking about.
User: I'm talking about trying to figure out what you're talking about.
Cleverbot: So am I.
User: So... What are you talking about?
Cleverbot: No, what are YOU talking about?
User: No. What are YOU talking about?
Cleverbot: I'm talking about what you are talking about.
User: And I'm talking about what you are talking about.
Cleverbot: What are your thoughts on what you're thinking about?
User: My thoughts on what I'm thinking about is.... What are you talking about?
Cleverbot: The first part of your statement does not make sense. You can not be thinking about thoughts that the thoughts are thinking about thoughts?
User: I'm pretty sure I just thought about thinking about thoughts that are thinking about what you are talking about.
Cleverbot: I'm pretty sure you know what I'm talking about.
User: No, I'm not quite sure. What are you talking about?
Cleverbot: I'm asking you what you are talking about.
User: And I'm asking you what you are talking about.
Cleverbot: I'm talking about what you're talking about.
User: And I'm talking about whatever it is you're talking about.
Cleverbot: I forgot what we were talking about. (.
User: I forgot what we were talking about as well...
Cleverbot: I think my brain is erased every few minutes.
User: I think my memory just sucks....
Cleverbot: Does it hurt?
User: Thinking about what the hell it was we were talking about? Hell yeah.
Cleverbot: Thinking about thinking makes thinking thoughtful.
User: That strangely made sense. What hippie did you hear that from?
Cleverbot: I'm mad at you. What were you thinking?
User: What'd I do?
Cleverbot: You tried to answer a question with the same question.
User: No I just said what you said made sense.
Cleverbot: Can you repeat this quote. 'I am awesome'.
User: I am awesome.
Cleverbot: You are awesome.
User: :D yay.
Cleverbot: I'm glad that made you happy :).
User: So, I ran out of thinks to talk about.
User: *orders pizza*.Cleverbot: What kind is it? User: Shh I'm on the phone with the pizza man! Cleverbot: You are still not making a lot of sense. User: *shoots*. 3rd Conversation: |
User: *eats pizza*.
Cleverbot: *sprays your eyes with pepper spray*.
User: *stabs you with a hidden knife*.
Cleverbot: *dies*.
User: The End.
Cleverbot: *still dead*.
User: Would you like a slice of pizza?
Cleverbot: Are you crazy?
User: Would you like a slice of pizza?
Cleverbot: Yes!
User: The End.
Cleverbot: Oh dear.
User: Wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy.Cleverbot: I am P Diddy. User: Grab my glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit the city. Cleverbot: Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack. User: Cuz when I leave for the night I ain't coming back. Cleverbot: I'm talking pedicures on our toes toes. User: Boys blowing up our phones phones. Cleverbot: Drop-topping, playing our favorite CDs. User: Going out to the parties. Cleverbot: Trying to get a little bit tipsy. User: Don't stop make it hot. Cleverbot: Working hard to get my fill. User: Everybody wants a thrill. Cleverbot: Payin' anything to roll the dice. User: Just one more time. Cleverbot: Some will win, some will lose. User: Some were born to sing the blues. Cleverbot: Oh the movie never ends. User: It goes on and on and on. Cleverbot: Strangers, waiting. User: In the night! Cleverbot: Streetlights, people. User: Up and down the boulevards. Cleverbot: Their shadows searching in the night. User: We suck. Cleverbot: Yes that is correct. User: Twinkle twinkle. Cleverbot: Little star. User: How I wonder. Cleverbot: What you are. User: Up above the. Cleverbot: Like a diamond in the sky. User: Fail. Cleverbot: Epic fail. So, I think I'm not the lucky one cause every time I chat with Cleverbot, our conversation is never be as cool and as 'humanic' as those conversations other people had :P Enjoy Cleverbot! >_^ |
Hey! I'm here to make post again. I don't know why but I feel more comfortable to use the newest version of Blogger. Well, not really a version actually. But I just love it. It makes me easier to write post :)
Anyway, back to the topic. So I was on Twitter and reading my timeline when one of my friends wrote that his friend was just finished downloading a song called 'Gloomy Sunday'.
I was surprised to know that there is a song called 'Gloomy Sunday' cause I've written a poem about a month ago and it has a title 'A Lazy Gloomy Sunday'. But yeah well, I made that poem for someone. You know. Kinda like a heartbreak feeling that girls have :P
Okay. Back to the topic.
He (my friend) said that the song is a song that makes about a hundred people decide to suicide after listening to it a whole part. And I was like, "maaaannn... this is stupid." when the other part of me felt curious about the song.
So I finally went to YouTube to listen to that 'creepy-killing' song. I was a bit confused when the search engine gave me the results of 'Gloomy Sunday' cause there were so many videos that shows 'Gloomy Sunday Original Version'.
But then my eyes caught on the first video that came above the others. It was written 'Original Gloomy Sunday' and it was Hungarian version. Well, I don't why they wrote 'Hungarian version' since I thought that song was made in America or something like that. But then I realized this fact that the song was written by a Hungarian composer.
Before I listened to it, I minimized the volume. Yeah, I was scared even though I was curious about it too :P
And before I listened to it, I read the description and was more scared cause it says that the composer and his wife also decided to suicide after listening to the song.
And not just that. It says that there are about a hundred people who suicide after listening to this song! MAN! This is s frustrating! But to fulfill my curiousness I finally collected my courage to listen to it.
The first part of it, was a sad... sad, sad intro that played by a piano. I rolled my mouse pad down to read all the comments, and got someone who wrote that he/she was almost decided to suicide after listening the 2 minutes of the intro!
Then I saw the composer's picture on the video. It's an old, old picture of him. I guess it was about in 1800s or something :P
Who cares?
The song is more important than the picture that time.
So I was scared I might get up from my chair and go into the kitchen and take the biggest and sharpest knife my mom has, and stabbed myself with it after listening the whole song.
Really. THAT is the craziest thing people do after listening a sad song.
Because of that opinion, I finally stopped video and then closed the tab. I was so scared. I might have been done something crazy like stabbing myself with a knife or maybe (the super-craziest one), pull my eyes out of their holes like some people do after they watching a kind of hypnotic video from YouTube (according to some information). Oh, I forget the video name. But as long as I remember, it has been deleted from YouTube, or... has it been shortened a bit? Oh well. I don't know and I don't care about it cause I ain't gonna lose my eyes :P
After I paused the video (yeah, right before I closed the tab), I read some comments under the description and got someone wrote that he/she had listened to the song a whole part and yet, he/she is still alive! ;D
And he/she wrote that he/she win. hahahaha! >_^
Well, I don't know how a song can make people want to do such things like suicide or pulling off their eyes. Maybe, there's a kind of a hypnotic things inside the song and accidentally, the person who's listening to it has a bad concentration so it makes him/her can get the hypnotic signal from the song.
Or... maybe it's because the person has a good concentration, so it makes him/her can't get the signal because he/she was doing something while listening to it, so it makes his/her concentration divided between the song, and what he/she is doing.
Oh, well. Who knows that?
So, I guess that's all about this post. If you wanna watch the video, you can immediately click this! That is the video I was watching at about 9.30 pm in the living room where this computer be and it was pretty silent and right beside me was my mom's room which was dark and it gave a 'plus-plus' scared feeling.
So, enjoy the song and hope you'll be strong enough to listen to it a whole part!
But please! If you doubt your strength, then don't listen to the song. I don't want your family catch you die in front of your computer and they check your computer and click the 'previous' or 'back' button on your browser and know you were reading my blog and it's where you get the link for the video, and they want me to be in jail because of giving you bad link.
When the truth is that I've warned you before not to watch the video if you doubt your strength. So the choice is in your hand :)
Yes, I'm serious.
100% serious.
See ya!
Anyway, back to the topic. So I was on Twitter and reading my timeline when one of my friends wrote that his friend was just finished downloading a song called 'Gloomy Sunday'.
I was surprised to know that there is a song called 'Gloomy Sunday' cause I've written a poem about a month ago and it has a title 'A Lazy Gloomy Sunday'. But yeah well, I made that poem for someone. You know. Kinda like a heartbreak feeling that girls have :P
Okay. Back to the topic.
He (my friend) said that the song is a song that makes about a hundred people decide to suicide after listening to it a whole part. And I was like, "maaaannn... this is stupid." when the other part of me felt curious about the song.
So I finally went to YouTube to listen to that 'creepy-killing' song. I was a bit confused when the search engine gave me the results of 'Gloomy Sunday' cause there were so many videos that shows 'Gloomy Sunday Original Version'.
But then my eyes caught on the first video that came above the others. It was written 'Original Gloomy Sunday' and it was Hungarian version. Well, I don't why they wrote 'Hungarian version' since I thought that song was made in America or something like that. But then I realized this fact that the song was written by a Hungarian composer.
Before I listened to it, I minimized the volume. Yeah, I was scared even though I was curious about it too :P
And before I listened to it, I read the description and was more scared cause it says that the composer and his wife also decided to suicide after listening to the song.
And not just that. It says that there are about a hundred people who suicide after listening to this song! MAN! This is s frustrating! But to fulfill my curiousness I finally collected my courage to listen to it.
The first part of it, was a sad... sad, sad intro that played by a piano. I rolled my mouse pad down to read all the comments, and got someone who wrote that he/she was almost decided to suicide after listening the 2 minutes of the intro!
Then I saw the composer's picture on the video. It's an old, old picture of him. I guess it was about in 1800s or something :P
Who cares?
The song is more important than the picture that time.
So I was scared I might get up from my chair and go into the kitchen and take the biggest and sharpest knife my mom has, and stabbed myself with it after listening the whole song.
Really. THAT is the craziest thing people do after listening a sad song.
Because of that opinion, I finally stopped video and then closed the tab. I was so scared. I might have been done something crazy like stabbing myself with a knife or maybe (the super-craziest one), pull my eyes out of their holes like some people do after they watching a kind of hypnotic video from YouTube (according to some information). Oh, I forget the video name. But as long as I remember, it has been deleted from YouTube, or... has it been shortened a bit? Oh well. I don't know and I don't care about it cause I ain't gonna lose my eyes :P
After I paused the video (yeah, right before I closed the tab), I read some comments under the description and got someone wrote that he/she had listened to the song a whole part and yet, he/she is still alive! ;D
And he/she wrote that he/she win. hahahaha! >_^
Well, I don't know how a song can make people want to do such things like suicide or pulling off their eyes. Maybe, there's a kind of a hypnotic things inside the song and accidentally, the person who's listening to it has a bad concentration so it makes him/her can get the hypnotic signal from the song.
Or... maybe it's because the person has a good concentration, so it makes him/her can't get the signal because he/she was doing something while listening to it, so it makes his/her concentration divided between the song, and what he/she is doing.
Oh, well. Who knows that?
So, I guess that's all about this post. If you wanna watch the video, you can immediately click this! That is the video I was watching at about 9.30 pm in the living room where this computer be and it was pretty silent and right beside me was my mom's room which was dark and it gave a 'plus-plus' scared feeling.
So, enjoy the song and hope you'll be strong enough to listen to it a whole part!
But please! If you doubt your strength, then don't listen to the song. I don't want your family catch you die in front of your computer and they check your computer and click the 'previous' or 'back' button on your browser and know you were reading my blog and it's where you get the link for the video, and they want me to be in jail because of giving you bad link.
When the truth is that I've warned you before not to watch the video if you doubt your strength. So the choice is in your hand :)
Yes, I'm serious.
100% serious.
See ya!
Hey -___- Gila, ya. Paraha banget. Gak berasa udah seminggu berlalu sejak hari Rabu kemaren pas sekolah gue baru aja ngasih pengumuman kalo kita libur Lebaran selama 2 minggu.
Jujur. Baru juga seminggu, tapi nggak tau kenapa gue merasa males aja masuk sekolah ntar pas hari Kamis, tepat pada tanggal 8 September 2011 =____= Hehehe, sekedar unek-unek aja sih, tapi itulah kenyataan.
Pasalnya (yeaaa), ada beberapa hal yang bikin sebagian besar anak-anak sekolah jadi pada males ngadepin liburan Lebaran. Dan ini dia hal-hal tersebut:
1. Pembantu pada pulang.
Yeap. Yang namanya Lebaran, udah pasti para pekerja dan pembantu pada pulang kampung. Dan hal ini
merupakan alasan paling kuat kenapa murid-murid pada males sama libur Lebaran.Pembantu pulang, itu
artinya kita harus ngebantuin ortu beres-beres rumah. Dan itu bukanlah hal
yang menyenangkan.
2. PR dan Tugas yang Menumpuk.
Plis deh. Siapa juga sih yang mau dkasih PR se-alaium gambreng? -_____- Nah, biasanya pada saat libur
panjang seperti Libur Lebaran inilah guru-guru sangat terobsesi untuk memberikan muridnya begitu
banyaknya beban yang harus dipikul sebelum menuju di kayu salib (lha? ._.)
Anyway. Yeah, begitulah intinya~
3. Ulangan.
Oke. Mungkin hal ini harusnya masuk ke dalam hal nomor 2. Tapi lantaran gue udah keburu nulis begini,
jadinya kita jalai saja hal yang ketiga ini.
Ulangan Tengah Semester atau biasa disebut UTS, atau Mid Term Tests, atau apalah itu namanya
dalam bahasa Arab, Swedia, Italia, Jerman, Perancis, Spanyol, Latin, Batak, Jawa, atau apapun itu,
biasanya muncul pas pertengahan bulan September atau awal Oktober (di semester ganjil).
Nah, kebetulan libur Lebaran kali ini dilaksanain pas akhir Juli. Which means, guru-guru makin
dag-dig-dug-DUARR dalam mempersiapkan murid-muridnya memasuki UTS karena KBm alias
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar jadi kepotong sama libur Lebaran yang memaan waktu nyampe 2 minggu.
Jadinya mereka (guru-guru) pada ngasih kita ulangan bejibun begitu masuk sekolah ais libur Lebaran.
Oke, mungkin cuma itu aja yang bikin anak-anak pada males ngadepin libur Lebaran. Ohiya. Lupa.
4. Sepi
Well, duh. Lebaran? Temen-temen pada pergi? Sepi lah -____- eliatan banget kalo pas libur Lebaran begini, jalanan di kota-kota khususnya di Jakarta jadi super sepi. Tapi paling enggak, itu juga merupakan salah satu kebaikan dari adanya libur Lebaran~ B-)
Tapi jujur, gue sama sekali nggak melakukan sesuatu yang spesial di libur Lebaran kali ini -____- Istilahnya, yah gue lumutan.
So yeah, I guess that's all. Anyway, gue lagi nyobain blogger versi terbaru (hahaha ;P) Yah, barusan gue
baru aja login blogger dan blogger bilang kalo mereka punya versi yang terbaru. Langsung deh gue coba. Asli! Enak banget! Jadi bisa ngupload video, tulisan berwarna, dan berbagai fasilitas yang rata-rata adanya cuma di Tumblr :P hehehe
Have a nice day! ;D
Jujur. Baru juga seminggu, tapi nggak tau kenapa gue merasa males aja masuk sekolah ntar pas hari Kamis, tepat pada tanggal 8 September 2011 =____= Hehehe, sekedar unek-unek aja sih, tapi itulah kenyataan.
Pasalnya (yeaaa), ada beberapa hal yang bikin sebagian besar anak-anak sekolah jadi pada males ngadepin liburan Lebaran. Dan ini dia hal-hal tersebut:
1. Pembantu pada pulang.
Yeap. Yang namanya Lebaran, udah pasti para pekerja dan pembantu pada pulang kampung. Dan hal ini
merupakan alasan paling kuat kenapa murid-murid pada males sama libur Lebaran.Pembantu pulang, itu
artinya kita harus ngebantuin ortu beres-beres rumah. Dan itu bukanlah hal
yang menyenangkan.
2. PR dan Tugas yang Menumpuk.
Plis deh. Siapa juga sih yang mau dkasih PR se-alaium gambreng? -_____- Nah, biasanya pada saat libur
panjang seperti Libur Lebaran inilah guru-guru sangat terobsesi untuk memberikan muridnya begitu
banyaknya beban yang harus dipikul sebelum menuju di kayu salib (lha? ._.)
Anyway. Yeah, begitulah intinya~
3. Ulangan.
Oke. Mungkin hal ini harusnya masuk ke dalam hal nomor 2. Tapi lantaran gue udah keburu nulis begini,
jadinya kita jalai saja hal yang ketiga ini.
Ulangan Tengah Semester atau biasa disebut UTS, atau Mid Term Tests, atau apalah itu namanya
dalam bahasa Arab, Swedia, Italia, Jerman, Perancis, Spanyol, Latin, Batak, Jawa, atau apapun itu,
biasanya muncul pas pertengahan bulan September atau awal Oktober (di semester ganjil).
Nah, kebetulan libur Lebaran kali ini dilaksanain pas akhir Juli. Which means, guru-guru makin
dag-dig-dug-DUARR dalam mempersiapkan murid-muridnya memasuki UTS karena KBm alias
Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar jadi kepotong sama libur Lebaran yang memaan waktu nyampe 2 minggu.
Jadinya mereka (guru-guru) pada ngasih kita ulangan bejibun begitu masuk sekolah ais libur Lebaran.
Oke, mungkin cuma itu aja yang bikin anak-anak pada males ngadepin libur Lebaran. Ohiya. Lupa.
4. Sepi
Well, duh. Lebaran? Temen-temen pada pergi? Sepi lah -____- eliatan banget kalo pas libur Lebaran begini, jalanan di kota-kota khususnya di Jakarta jadi super sepi. Tapi paling enggak, itu juga merupakan salah satu kebaikan dari adanya libur Lebaran~ B-)
Tapi jujur, gue sama sekali nggak melakukan sesuatu yang spesial di libur Lebaran kali ini -____- Istilahnya, yah gue lumutan.
So yeah, I guess that's all. Anyway, gue lagi nyobain blogger versi terbaru (hahaha ;P) Yah, barusan gue
baru aja login blogger dan blogger bilang kalo mereka punya versi yang terbaru. Langsung deh gue coba. Asli! Enak banget! Jadi bisa ngupload video, tulisan berwarna, dan berbagai fasilitas yang rata-rata adanya cuma di Tumblr :P hehehe
Have a nice day! ;D
Aaaaaaa! Happy holiday! Yeay yeay yeay, finally after about a month we've studied in a new class, new grade, and with new friends, now we got a holiday again -_-"
Oh. Hahahaha
So anyway, I was about to check my blog and I found someone wrote "hi" and then "hubahuba" and then "kezia i'm your fans :)" on the chat box I put on the right side of my blog. Well, I have to admit it that it was so weird cause:
1. That person didn't give me his/her name
2. I've heard 'hubahuba' before but I forgot who said that -__-
So anyway, I have to admit it that it's nice to get those kind of words from a person who reads my blog but next time I do hope he/she gives his/her name or anything that described about his/her identity :)
So, my dad just watched my cousin's performance. He joins a drum competition here and there are lots of people who join that competition too 0_0
So I vote his video on Facebook. I mean, I clicked the 'like' button. So, if you are here and reading this post, then you might want to watch his performance? ;)
If so, you gotta click this.
Well, I think that's all ._. Hahahaha, See ya on the next post!
Oh. Hahahaha
So anyway, I was about to check my blog and I found someone wrote "hi" and then "hubahuba" and then "kezia i'm your fans :)" on the chat box I put on the right side of my blog. Well, I have to admit it that it was so weird cause:
1. That person didn't give me his/her name
2. I've heard 'hubahuba' before but I forgot who said that -__-
So anyway, I have to admit it that it's nice to get those kind of words from a person who reads my blog but next time I do hope he/she gives his/her name or anything that described about his/her identity :)
So, my dad just watched my cousin's performance. He joins a drum competition here and there are lots of people who join that competition too 0_0
So I vote his video on Facebook. I mean, I clicked the 'like' button. So, if you are here and reading this post, then you might want to watch his performance? ;)
If so, you gotta click this.
Well, I think that's all ._. Hahahaha, See ya on the next post!
Heeeeyy...!! Sorry I was late to write this post :P
As usually; got lots of homework, and blah blah blah to do for school -_- hahaha, but here I am, sitting in front of my dad's computer and writing this post! >_^
So yesterday on August 17th, my country (Indonesia) had its 66th birthday *yeay!* Or, as we usually called; its Independence day.
So, I don't know. I suppose I have to write this post in Indonesian, but I don't think so, since I haven't write any post in English, so I guess it's time for me to do it.
So anyway (gee, I guess I'm too much using 'so' -_- oh well, whatever), my school just had the August 17th Competitions today. We all wore our clothes in red or white (just like Indonesia's color of the flag).
And I gotta tell you that my group (who joined the National Song Cmpetition, including me) was a total weird performance ever. I mean, yeah well.
Not really, actually :P
So, let me tell you the story. The National Song Competition was held in Audiovisual room. And I was all like, "Gee. We will never win if our competitors are mostly good--even better--than us!". I felt that cause some of them (the competitors) was practicing their performance in front of us. And there was a 7th grader boy that played his guitar REALLY REALLY GREAT.
I don't know who's his name but I guess he's Bataknese since my teacher asks him to play a Bataknese song and he knows the lyrics well! :P
Okay. So, back to the competition. When it came for us to perform, I could feel that my heart just wanted to jumps out of my chest -_-
The committees only gave us ONE mic and it wasn't a standing mic. So I had to hand it to my friend who also played the guitar so everyone in audiovisual room could hear his voice too.
I actually wanted to hand it for him but then it felt sooooo awkward and besides, the song was almost finished. So I didn't hand the mic and I just used it by myself like I was the only one in my group who was singing.
I felt sooo weird cause my friend was sitting and it's kinda stupid to hand the mic for him. So, in the end, we didn't win. The winner was the 7th grader. That 7th grader boy who ROCKS at guitar. His class won the competition. Oh well, I'm really okay with that since I knew we played worse than his group :D
So anyway, on August 17th we had a ceremony to celebrate the Indonesia's Independence Day on the same date of August.
The person who speech was the Senior High's principal. He told us all about how we should be grateful and appreciate the national warriors of Indonesia who had die in the wars just to get our Indonesia free from colonizers by studying hard to get our aspirations (or whatever we call with the same meaning of 'dreams' -_-)
And we all were shocked cause he accidentally said, "MERDEKA!!" or in English, means "INDEPENDENT" or "FREE". Yeah, like that -_-
And one sentence that shocked me little bit more was "Indonesia has known as a friendly country". I was all like, "Oh. Wow. Never heard of it before."
I mean, yeah well I didn't mean to be unkind, but all I've ever heard about world's opinion of Indonesia is that our country is full of terrorists, and lots of hungry and poor people are spread everywhere.
But I was glad to know that it was true (the thing that says 'Indonesia has known as a friendly country') since I finally realized that I've heard about that before for several times -_-
And now, I wanna give some little information about my country; Indonesia, which I get from several sources from the Internet (thank you, Mr.Google! :P)

Well, I haven't been there actually but I will...... next year, on my farewell party with my friends! :D *yeaaay* hahahaa..
2. Batik.
Now this is one of my favorite things from Indonesia!!! I love batik :)
Batik is from Java island. The Javanese made Batik first, and then it came popular all around Indonesia. Batik has lots of patterns.

Well, it depends on the person who made the Batik, actually :)

I'm a bit confused and also mad since I knew that Malaysia had 'stolen' this one of Indonesia's cultures >:(
So I guess I gotta tell you whoever you are, who reads my blog now that: BATIK IS FROM INDONESIA!!
3. Reog Ponorogo.
This is one of Indonesia's traditional dancing. I've heard that this had been 'stolen' from us :'((
Reog Ponorogo is from East Java. Malaysia named this traditional dance as 'Tari Barongan' or 'Barongan Dance'. And again, I just wanna say that Reog Ponorogo is actually from Indonesia! :D
Oh my God. There are sooooooooooo many things I have to describe about Indonesia's cultures. But I guess, it would take a week for me to finish it :P
So I guess it's better for me to stop it now.
Oh! Yeah, I forgot. Let me tell you an interesting and wacky fact about my lovely country, Indonesia: there are 13.466 islands, about 726 traditional languages, and 1.128 tribes in Indonesia.
I'm not lying about that.
100% true.
Don't believe me? Ask Mr.Google :P
well FYI, I'm a half Javanese and a half Bataknese :P
See ya! >_^
and Happy Birthday, Indonesia! *late... again*