Top 10 songs you should hear!
Here's a list of 10 songs that are my favorite. Well, actually I got a lot of good songs that I think you guys have to listen it too. But, if I write all of them, I don't think that it will take for just only 1 page. So, here's all my list! (Check it out, and listen to it!)
1. Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson
2. Decode-Paramore
3. First Train Home-Imogen Heap
4. Nothin' On You-B.o.B featuring Bruno Mars
5. Numb-Linkin Park
6. I'm With You-Avril Lavigne
7. Fly On The Wall-Miley Cyrus
8. Fifteen-Taylor Swift
9. "Romeo" theme song-Romeo!
10. Piano-RAN
Well, Just that. Mungkin terlalu banyak yang dari luar negeri sih ya? Hahaha.. Yang dari Indonesia cuma yang RAN. Sebenernya sih, juga lagu-lagu bikinan Indonesia yang bagus-bagus. Tapi, kayak yang aku tulis buat judulnya: Top 10 Songs You Should Hear. So.. Maybe, next time I will make a list, special for Indonesia songs, okay?