God Helped Me

By Kezia Tania - Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I just got my report card yesterday. Finally. 'Cause at the day when we had to take it, I hadn't come to school. And thank goodness, several of my subjects got pretty good scores. Well, except for Maths and P.E of course. I think I will never ever pass those subjects in whole of my life -______-

Anyway, I just thought that I think God is giving me several lucks this week. Like when me and my group had to take up our P.E score for aerobics. We were the first turn! And we hadn't do anything yet. Not even the moves, and also the report of how many times we had practice it.
At first, I think we're not so lucky. 'Cause we got the FIRST turn! But then luckily, God saved us. Our P.E teacher said that we still had one more chance to practice and next week, we will take up that score again.
But my Monday's Disaster (that's what i called for a lot of definitely-not-what-I-like things on Mondays) hadn't finish yet. I still had to print my Religion assignment but there is no printer I could use that day!
Well actually, there is. Wait. Let me explain the story of how could there's no printer that I could use. So when I just sat on my chair in my classroom, I went to the library and asked the librarian if there was a printer that worked so I could printed my assignment. But he said "Oh... Sorry. The printer is not working.." And I was like "God! Dammit!"
But then one of my friend came to the library and told me if she could accompanied me to go to the Computer Lab. She said there was a printer that she used to printed her assignment.. So i agreed with her advice.
So at the fifth period, we went to the Computer Lab, and asked if I could use the printer. And one of my Computer teachers (We have 2 Computer teachers for Middle School) told me that the printed was not working! I remember that I felt like I wanna scream right in front of my Religion teacher and said, "Ma'am, can I please get an extra time to submit my assignment tomorrow...??? My printer is not working..... And I cannot use the printers in this school. So can I PLEASE submit it tomorrow???? Please, Ma'am... Please... PLEASE...!!!"

Oh well, Too dramatic.

So we went to the 1st-floor teacher's room and asked that question again. And this time, I felt like I really really want to bomb the school. 'Cause one of the teachers said that I couldn't use the printer. It wasn't because the printer was not working but it was because she said that my assignment was supposed to be printed last night, and not that time.

Sucks. Really sucks.

I mean, can she feels what did I felt that day? Anxious. Worried. Dammit!
But then finally God helped me again. I thought I'm gonna get bursts of my Religion teacher's anger on her class but actually, I didn't.
Well yeah, I had to signed my name on the 8A's offense book and got minus 3 for my 'attitude'. But that's okay. But I was the only girl who didn't bring my assignment. Hahahahaaahhh...

Well, i think that's all. See ya!

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