Somebody Help Me, Please!!

By Kezia Tania - Saturday, April 23, 2011

Aaaarrgghhh....!! I don't know why, and how could my blog looks different? I mean, look at the font. It looks totally different and really annoying, right?
So actually, I was trying to change my blog template (background) 'cause I think there are a lot of blog use my template.And I feel like it's not my blog anymore :'((

Instead of having fun looking for my new template, I feel so sad to know that I'm gonna change my blog template. 'Cause.. yeah, well.. this template has already accompanied me and also my blog audiences for come to my blog for more than a year :'(
But maybe, Blogger also supports my feeling by telling me that I couldn't change my blog template with the new one 'cause it (the new template's code) still packed by the wrong XML. I don't know what it means, but I feel a lil' bit depressed with it. I feel sad to know that I couldn't change it, and also happy 'cause that means my old template doesn't have to 'retire' from it's 'job' to accompany my writings. Hahahaaa
But still, I am so curious to know how to change my blog template :/
Anyone can solve my problem? If so, you can send it to my email (look at the left side of my blog. And click the 'View My Complete Profile' and there is an 'Email' link. It goes to my email address.) Thank you....!! I do appreciate you whoever you are, who could solve my problem >_^

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