Life's Getting Harder...

By Kezia Tania - Thursday, April 05, 2012

I am now totally FREE!

        well yeah.  I didn't really mean it literally, actually..
It's just that I'm now free from school exams! :D :D :D :D :D
Finally, after about 2 months spending time with Civics Education books, Social Studies books, and Religion books, also the Information Technology & Communication books, I've done those tests! XD

On the last week of February (or about on the first week of March!) I've got a practice exam. Later after it, I got a Mid Term Tests. Then, got Final Semester Exam. And on the last week of March I got my School Final Exam. And later on next Monday (April 9th) to Friday (April 13th) {Wait! It's Friday the 13th !!! :D} I will have some tests for the preparation for National Exam.

School Final Exam and National Exam are absolutely important.
Both have their own parts for the graduation score.


Don't know why but I feel so so hard this time.

I mean I'm still in 9th grade. Not a Senior High kid yet. Not even a scholar either. But I feel that my life's getting harder and harder to live :(

Crap. Now I feel really week :'(

All I want is to be a graduate kid, and then move to a good public senior high school, have lots of friends, then graduate from it, and attend a really good university and then graduate with the best place and have a great job and earn lots of money, and make my parents be happy and proud of me, take them to any places they want from all over the world, and then built my own house, married, have a family, and live happily ever after!

Oh well.
I guess that was way way way way too much :D

But I have to be optimists! I mean, we all have to be optimists in the case of living our life in every part of it :D

So I guess, all I have to do now is just sit on my chair and spend the rest of my 9th-grader time studying .______.


Well, I just can't wait 'till the National Exam be held: April 23th until April 26th.

Also, the graduation announcement on June 2nd

So see ya! :)

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