Avril Lavigne and Alanis Morissette

By Kezia Tania - Sunday, April 13, 2014

OMG. All this time I've been looking for the singer of this song in which it has lots of "thank you"s in the lyrics.
My very first expectation was, the singer might be Avril Lavigne.
But that couldn't be Avril, since I was listening to the "Big 90s" program of a radio when Avril just started her career in 2000s.

So i did another research tonight on the internet, with keywords 'thank you thank you lyrics', 'avril lavigne thank you thank you', 'song that has thank you thank you lyrics with the singers voice like avril lavignes'.

And I almost give up, till i searched 'thank you thank you 90s' on youtube.

And........ I found it.

Well, at first I hesitated, but then I clicked on this video with the title 'alanis morissette - thank you' with some Spanish words after the title. Was still a bit unsure, I typed 'Alanis Morissette', and found her official music video!

And yeah, it really WAS her!

She was the singer of this songs with so much 'thank you thank you' in the lyrics.

Then i searched if Avril Lavigne was inspired by Alanis Morissette, and I found some information that they HAD ever been on duet!

And you know what? They BOTH are Canadians! Alanis' voice at first tricked me cause she has this kind of pitch and thick accent like Avril has, so I thought her song 'Thank You' was actually Avril's.
But it wasn't.

But seriously, if you listen to her songs and close your eyes, you can really hear Avril's voice :P
Oh! And I also found one of Alanis' music videos looks a bit like Avril's (Alanis' "Everything" and Avril's "Mobile") well, at least for the background.. XD

But anyways, I love Alanis' 'Thank You' so much, it kinda takes me back to some songs I used to listen on the radio when I was.... 1 or 2 years old maybe? Well, it was in 90s, right? :P
Both Alanis Morissette and Avril Lavigne are amazing!

Well, okay then. So I guess that's enough...

If you wanna know who exactly Alanis Morissette is, and whether it's true that she had been on duet with Avril Lavigne, you can watch the videos I found below! (I couldn't find the full video of them singing on duet)


Alanis Morissette - Thank You

Alanis Morissette - Everything

 Avril Lavigne - Mobile

Avril Lavigne & Alanis Morissette (not full video!)

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