Very First Vlog a.k.a. Voice Blog

By Kezia Tania - Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hahaha! Sorry for spamming, whoever is currently reading this post! :P
So I was actually wondering if maybe blogger allows me to put a voice note on a post but actually it only allows me to put a video instead (That's why I said "video" here cause I thought I could put my voice as a blank video--you know, a blank video but you can hear my voice on it--).
But then I found that I can actually embed my voice on a blog post (though that means I have to upload it on soundcloud before). And oh, here's the link if you wanna know how to put your soundcloud track on your blog post -> Just click this!
Sorry for my bad English though, I know I have so many things to learn in both pronunciation and grammatically >_< (as you know, English is not my main language...)
So yeah, bye!

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