About My Template...... Again.

By Kezia Tania - Monday, May 09, 2011

Aww yeaaaa... I still can't change my blog template. Oh God! Why why why why why why why why why.......??? Anyway.
So I just changed my template with the 'real' blogger template. Yeah, well.. I mean.. The template which Blogger has already made. So this is it. Here's how my blog looks like right now. Browny... Hahahahaaa, not like me -___-

You know what? I wish I had one of those Blogger creators' phone number, so I can call them RIGHT NOW, and ask them if they could help me with this can't-change-my-blog-template-problem. Hahyeah, that's my own words -_____-
But I'm not really sure with that idea 'cause I'm not even sure if I can speak in English.... WELL. I mean, look at my super-horrible grammar! I know, it's so silly to write in a supper-horrible grammar in public like I always do.
But that's just because I want to learn more how to write in English (ahahahaha hahahaaaa)

Right. Back to the topic, yo! =__________=
So here I am, writing on my dad's computer (yup, it's not mine since my dad bought it by his own money, anyway...) and it's 10.30 pm. Yeah hahahaaa... I don't care. Maybe, I'll wake up at 6.45 am again tomorrow. Like I did this morning. Thank goodness my I didn't caught up by a teacher. Yeah, well.. There was, actually. But she's a High School teacher. Not a Middle School teacher. So it saved my life....

Not really..

Okay okay okay! I cannot concentrate anymore. I don't even know what's the topic again. Wait...... Oh, yeah. The BLOGGER TEMPLATE.

So, um... If anyone knows where can I get lotsa cool blogger templates' code, please just send me an email.. Oh, or maybe, you can add the website on the comment for this post. Or, does anyone know, where can I get the blog templates' code from www.thecutestblogontheblock.com ? I mean I kinda like their designs. So cute. So cool. Most of them are elegant too. Argh, okay. I think I should have turned off the computer :O
Soooo tired. Bye!

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