A Drummer Competition

By Kezia Tania - Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aaaaaaa! Happy holiday! Yeay yeay yeay, finally after about a month we've studied in a new class, new grade, and with new friends, now we got a holiday again -_-"
Oh. Hahahaha

So anyway, I was about to check my blog and I found someone wrote "hi" and then "hubahuba" and then "kezia i'm your fans :)" on the chat box I put on the right side of my blog. Well, I have to admit it that it was so weird cause:
1. That person didn't give me his/her name
2. I've heard 'hubahuba' before but I forgot who said that -__-

So anyway, I have to admit it that it's nice to get those kind of words from a person who reads my blog but next time I do hope he/she gives his/her name or anything that described about his/her identity :)

So, my dad just watched my cousin's performance. He joins a drum competition here and there are lots of people who join that competition too 0_0

So I vote his video on Facebook. I mean, I clicked the 'like' button. So, if you are here and reading this post, then you might want to watch his performance? ;)
If so, you gotta click this.

Well, I think that's all ._. Hahahaha, See ya on the next post!

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