Do Not be Afraid

By Kezia Tania - Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hello there peeps! It's been a while since my very last post, hasn't it?

No, I haven't been 'busy enough' to make any posts lately, I just haven't had anything to write about.

So anyway, here's a shocking fact: my campus gave us a 3-month-holiday since June (they wanted to finish off all the classes and finals before "Lebaran" or what most English speakers usually call as Eid al-Fitr. It's a national holiday here in Indonesia, usually lasts for 2 weeks and because the odd semester usually finished on June, my campus decided to kinda 'rushed' all the schedules so that we, the students ourselves wouldn't have to get back to campus for finals) and I'm gonna be back to campus in less than a week from now.

I... I don't know. I've never had this 'weird' feeling before. Like I don't want my holiday to be over (cause I'm a sleepyhead, slugabed, sleeper, you name it. And no, I'm not lying here.) and yet, I'm also excited to be in my 5th semester. Like, seriously this is gonna be my very last year (hopefully) to study in college as a Diploma degree and for my 6th semester, I'm gonna have to 'leave' my campus and start doing an internship while writing down my final work assignment or what mostly people call it as "thesis" but we don't use that word as a Diploma degree though.

I'm also kinda scared of what I will be facing later on the 6th semester.

I don't even know what places I would suggest to the campus as my internship. I mean, I do have some lists of companies that I would like to apply of course, but I just don't know yet some of those that I really really want to suggest to my campus to be written a reference.

For as long as I know, the campus itself only allows each student to suggest 3 different companies for maximum. Lord, help me.

I'm so afraid I wouldn't be able to apply to any companies at all while I really need to start my internship on January or February (I'm hoping to be recruited on January so that I can have enough time to start writing down my thesis and consulting with my professors about it).

But then again, I remember I don't have to be too worry about it; that I have to leave the rest into God's merciful hands, that I should not be afraid about it because He does take control of every single thing in our lives and yet, He gives us what's best.

I'm thinking if maybe I just need some time to stop myself from worrying too much over internships, thesis, graduation, getting an extension class for my next degree and stuffs.
Yes, I do know they are all so important. It's just that.. Never mind, have to keep up my spirit! :'D

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