Top 10 songs you should hear!

By Kezia Tania - Friday, May 28, 2010

Here's a list of 10 songs that are my favorite. Well, actually I got a lot of good songs that I think you guys have to listen it too. But, if I write all of them, I don't think that it will take for just only 1 page. So, here's all my list! (Check it out, and listen to it!)

1. Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson
2. Decode-Paramore
3. First Train Home-Imogen Heap
4. Nothin' On You-B.o.B featuring Bruno Mars
5. Numb-Linkin Park
6. I'm With You-Avril Lavigne
7. Fly On The Wall-Miley Cyrus
8. Fifteen-Taylor Swift
9. "Romeo" theme song-Romeo!
10. Piano-RAN

Well, Just that. Mungkin terlalu banyak yang dari luar negeri sih ya? Hahaha.. Yang dari Indonesia cuma yang RAN. Sebenernya sih, juga lagu-lagu bikinan Indonesia yang bagus-bagus. Tapi, kayak yang aku tulis buat judulnya: Top 10 Songs You Should Hear. So.. Maybe, next time I will make a list, special for Indonesia songs, okay?

So just choose those songs, and search it in your search engine, then download them. Or you can buy their CD album! Or maybe, just request them on your favorite radio! Enjoy... >_^

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