Boring Holidaaaaaay...

By Kezia Tania - Monday, December 20, 2010

Maaaaan! How can I enjoy this Christmas holiday, if I couldn't get something's that can interested me in?

You know, it's been 2 days and a half I didn't go somewhere, and I am soooo.... bored! Well, I took my report cards on Friday, and school will begin on 6th January. Um... It's pretty weird, 'cause 6th January is not Monday. It's Thursday. Wow.. Start the second term on Thursday? Um... Not really interesting.
Anyway, I need something to do in this holiday. I don't know.. Like swimming, skipping (I want to get taller! I mean.. 160 cm is not tall enough for a girl like me! Hahahah), reading, anything! Be sides, I'm not sure that me and my family will spend our Christmas and New Year holiday somewhere outside our home.
Actually, me and my friends want to go to a cinema to watch 2 films. You know, people say that Tron Legacy and Rapunzel 3D are good films. But one of my friend texts me that she can't go with us today, 'cause her mom wants her to help her clean the house. She'll spend her holiday outside this town on 23rd, and her mom wants to get their house clean when they got home from their holiday.
Actually, we are going to watch those films not only 2 of us, but... Urm.. Wait, I think 5 of us. But I don't think that we could watch those films if there's only 4 of us. Yeah, it's just... Not cool. Hahahaha
So I'm just sitting here, and write my new post in my blog. Yeah, I mean.. What else can you do, if you don't have a plan to go somewhere on Christmas and New Year holiday, while you're actually have a blog to write... Urm.. No, actually, to express your feelings?
Actually, I can ask my cousins if we can spend our holiday somewhere, and do something. But the problem is... What kinds of places we could visit to fulfil our holiday? I mean, I know I'm an Indonesian, but I don't know several places that are so interesting to be visit on a holiday -_____-
And my question is: Does anyone know, what kind of places should I visit?

God bless,
-Kezia Tania-

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