Merry Christmas 2010 !!!

By Kezia Tania - Monday, December 27, 2010

Hahaha! Sorry, I'm late. I used to write this post at the day I came back to my hometown. But... I just wrote about my holiday in Bandung, which I said, it was really boring holiday -___-

Anyway, I just want to say Merry Christmas to all of you who come to my blog and also read my posts! >_^ Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you like my posts. Sorry if I got a lot of really bad grammar in my posts.
I just want to write that.. I think this Christmas is not as exciting as the older Christmas. I mean.. Yeah, well.. I'm not felling happy to know that it was Christmas. Maybe it's because... I didn't spare my Christmas eve celebration with my family? Hahaha.. Maybe.. It's true.
But what I want to tell you is.. I don't really like Christmas. Yes, absolutely. Well, it's not because I don't get a Christmas present. (Honestly, I rarely have Christmas presents. Well, the last time I had my Christmas present was... 2 years ago. And I hate the moment when I LOST it! I got a really cool blue watch from my mom. And guess what? I lost that really cool thing in some shopping center in Bandung -___-) Hahaha! Yes, well.. I know that wondering to have a great Christmas present is not only for kids, but also for all of us (from kids to elder). But I'm not like any other girls who often wondering to have a really great Christmas present. Or maybe, wondering to have a lot of great Christmas presents...
The second is, maybe it's because the horoscope which I read last year, said that I will have a lot of bad days in 2010. Well, I'm not a kind of human who REALLY INTERESTED in horoscope, but sometimes, I kind a believe it. Hahaha, yeah.. I know it sounds absolutely silly, but believe me. There's something that makes you want to believe it when you read the horoscope rubric on the magazine. Some kind a like.. a magnet -___-
Anyway, the point is.. I'm not feeling happy. That's all. I don't even sure if 2 days ago was Christmas. Hahaha! Somebody please, wake me up and help me outta this scary dream! Hya! Hahahaha..! XD No, seriously. I really hope that 2010 will finally over!
Man.. I wish I could spend my Christmas eve with ALL of my family like we did last year :((( Anyway, that's all I want to write for today. Bye!

P.S: Once again, Merry Christmas for y'all! Have a really great Christmas!

God bless all of us,
-Kezia Tania-

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