B-Bye, Midterm Tests! ^0^

By Kezia Tania - Friday, March 11, 2011

AAAAAA YEAAAHHH!!! FINALLY! We passed our Midterm Tests!!! Feelin' like a villain who's just got released from prison! Uuuu yeaaah! Hahahahhh! Okay. Maybe, I'm too much -____-
But the fact is that WE'RE FREE!!!
Once again, I am too much.

So, today is Friday right? And that means no more school until the next Thursday. Well, hopefully I get a lot of good marks in all of my midterm tests result. But... well... I'm not sure if I could pass my Maths midterm test. Why? 'Cause I am so freakin' scared of it that I couldn't do it well!
Well, actually... The questions are a lil' bit easier than my Maths teacher taught us before.. But still, It's hard for me to answer them :P
Oh, wow. I think I am the most idiot girl in my class :P
Actually, in Monday maybe I have to go to school 'cause several of my friends in my Conversation group need to 'repair' their score on the Legend Drama. Well, I don't know how it could be just like that. I mean, I am the one who always write the script-yeah, well.. not ALWAYS-and I thought the way I give their dialogue is pretty fair. Well... Maybe, I should learn how to make a better script which everyone has the same dialog as much as the others. But wait! in every single drama, there is a protagonist, right? So that means the protagonist gets more dialogue than the others.. But..
Oh, well.. Whatever -___-
And now, my question is.... What will I do in my 5 days holiday? Well. I don't know. Sort of watching TV, online, read books (especially books in English. My Conversation teacher told us to read books in English for the next assignment: we have to make the conclusion of the book.) or maybe practicing piano 'cause I'm learning how to play Vanessa Carlton's song: A Thousand Miles.
I know, I know.. It's a pretty old song.. But I love the piano. It sounds really good >_^

Talking about what will I do to spend my holiday, I think I'm gonna install my The Sims 2 Deluxe on my aunt's computer 'cause my dad has already delete it from my computer because he said the computer's memory isn't full enough to install that kinda-needs a lot of memory-game.But I;m not sure enough if I will install it. Haahahahahh! I know, it's really old game to be played. But still, I love it. It's like... I could do anything what I want in just only playing that game. Don't know why, but I think I'm kind an old-fashioned girl. Hahahah
Anyway, I think it's time for me to stop writing now, or my brain will explode because I'm thinking about the grammar in every single sentence that write in this post. Chao! ^0^ (That is what I always say every time I want to say goodbye with my friends. hahaha... Okay, that's not important -_-"
Hah, Bye!)

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