Happy Birthday to.... Me! Ahahahaha hahahaaahh >_^

By Kezia Tania - Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey.. So... today is my birthday! Ahahahahahahhh, sorry I didn't mention this in my older post. I just didn't want to write it. Hahahahaah, well then. I think this is.. well, the worst birthday I've ever had. I don't meant that it's all because I don't get a bunch of birthday congratulations. But that's okay. I still got several from my friends, and that's absolutely... okay :)
But what makes me feel that this is (maybe) the worst birthday I've ever had is... well, maybe it's because I can't celebrate it with my family.

Last year, we celebrated it. I felt so happy. Even, with several of my buddies. But now? Yeah, right? But anyway. At least, I still can feel that I'm getting older now. Well, not really actually.. Ahahahahh, no. Seriously. I don't really feel that I'm 14 years old now.
I'm still feelin' like... I'm not 13th anymore. But haven't 14th yet. Hahahah, weird huh? Maybe it's because I didn't see any clock that sowed the time was about 3.15 or 3.16 pm at school today. Well, I was born at about.. 3.15 or 3.16 pm. Yeah, hahahaha.. That is absolutely not important to be written here -____-"
Maybe... If I looked at a clock that showed that time,I have already felt like a 14th year old girl. Seriously. I believe that people are getting 1 year older right at the time when they were born on their birthday. Mostly, people believe that they are getting 1 year older when the time time goes to 12 am. Well, It's just my opinion. You have your own opinion. We all have our own opinion about this. Hyeah, hahahaha
Anyway, since I can't celebrate my 14th birthday, I think I just want to write several of my birthday wishes:
1. I want to be a successful person
2. I want to learn a lot of languages around the world! (hahahahahaa)
3. I want to live in Canada (hahahaaa *again*)
4. Ummmmm
5. Ummmm
6. I think that's all -____-
Anyway, I think I can't write anything else again -___- I am so tired. Today's P.E test was so frustrating. Okay, that's too much. I'd rather sign out now. Bye! Sorry for a really bad writing! I still learning how to write something in English, in a correct grammar too. Hahahaha, bye!

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