The Sims 2 Deluxe Makes Me Can't Stop Playing It

By Kezia Tania - Monday, March 14, 2011

Okay, so I've just installed that game on my aunt's computer. Well, I couldn't install it on my own computer 'cause its memory doesn't fit enough to play that game. And when I started to play it, I was like I am a 11th years old girl... again.
Haahahh, I played that game when I was 11. Remember, I was 11 when I played The Sims 2 Deluxe. I've played The Sims (yup, the very first version of that game) when I was about... 7 years old, I think.

So there I was, playing that old game until I forgot that I hadn't eat anything since that morning. I've played that game for 4-5 hours... a day! Oh, wow. What a time -____-
But seriously, I do love playing that game. I don't know if there is someone else that more in love with it. I think I could be the craziest Sims player ever in Indonesia. Hahahahhh hahhahahahhhhahhh hahahahhahhhahahaahhhhh, okay that's too much. -__-"
There's always something in that game that can makes me sit on my computer chair, and staring at the monitor for hours and hours, for just only playing it. Maybe... It's because the way they made the program. Yeah, well. The Sims 2 is way more exciting that The Sims. Of course, it's because there is a number that wrote '2' after the word 'The Sims' -_____- Hyahahh, that's not really true. I think it's because they made every single sims has 4 things that they want, and 3 things that they don't want. And also, the sims can collect the points that they get every time they fulfil their want. And also, they can 'buy' bizarre things (which I think they all look so interesting and also unique) from their 'catalogue' by 'paying' those things using their own points.
Now I want to tell you that there are a lot of bizarre-interesting-unique things that the sims can 'buy' by 'paying' those things using their own points. First, there is money tree. Hahahh, weird isn't it? Same as like other plants, this thing needs to be treated by the sims so it can produces money from their branches. Well of course, the money which they produces is not a lot. It's about 1-10 Simoleons (it's the currency for Sims City). And the one that's my favorite is.. um.. Well, I'm not sure about its name. Maybe it's.. Exolite-- or something. This interesting thing can makes anyone who drinks this (anyone, except for toddlers and kids, of course) will get younger. Younger doesn't mean that when the sim who drinks this is actually an adult, they will turns into a teenager. No, of course not. It's just gives a little effect on their age. Like for example, when the sim who drinks this is actually and adult and 19 days later will be an elder, they will get about 22 days later be an elder.
Anyway, I love this version. Deluxe. This version gives the sims to enjoy the the downtown in every place they live. I mean, there are 3 kinds of lot in The Sims 2; Pleasantview, Strangetown, and Veronaville. My favorite is Veronaville. And then Pleasantview, and Strangetown. I don't really like Strangetown. It's a lil' bit boring, I think. Veronaville is my favorit 'cause I just love the environment. The houses are also a lil' bit old. And also, a lil' bit like Victorian houses. Hahahh, I'm not sure with the second statement. But anyway, I just love Veronaville. And also, I like The Sims 2 Pets. Those dogs and cats are so cute! >0<
Oh, yeah. And I love the Downtowns. They're such great places to visit. Anyway, I think it's time for me turn sign out. I've been playing computer for about... 6 hours.. or more, I think. Hyahh -___-
And I have to go back to school tomorrow. Aaarrgghhh!! I hate that. Really really totally hate that. Uurgh! I'm not ready for getting those super a lot-super difficult-super massive school assignments. Hahahahaahahhhhh
Hope tomorrow will be great day (yeah, right :P. But.. Surely, I hope so!) !!
And sorry for my bad grammar!
Bye!!! >_^

P.S: Yo, The Sims 2 Deluxe and The Sims 2 Pets creators! (well, I think the creators are same) I got something to say for y'all ---->> I LOVE YOU ALL! THANKS FOR CREATING THOSE GAMES!!! YOU ALL ARE COOL!! And also, GREAT! Hahahahahahhh

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