By Kezia Tania - Thursday, June 16, 2011

AAAAARRRGGGHHHH....!!! It's 11 pm here and I don't think I can sleep tightly tonight! Why? Because tomorrow is the DISTRIBUTION of SECOND SEMESTER REPORT CARD!!! DAAAARRRGGHHHH....!!!!!
I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared, and I am sooooooo SCARED about it!!
Yeah, well.. I know. I know. I've heard from a bunch of my friends told me I will get to the next grade.
And besides, I don't received any mail from my teacher that tells me I got bad marks.. But still, I am sooo scaredto get my report card tomorrow! SERIOUSLY!!

Feelin' like my heart will explode as soon as possible!! Huahahahaahahahahaaaaaahhh...!!!!
Too much stress right noww...!!
Don't know what to write!! @__@
Well, here's the little things and facts about the distribution of the second semester report card.

1. Those who had been called by their teacher to come to school on last Wednesday to get a private letter, are those who had problem of receiving the report card.

2. I've asked on one of my friend on FB and he told me that the letter contains of 3 subjects: administration, scores, and daily behavior. Administration means like the tuition. Scores, of course about our scores! And daily behavior, of course our daily behavior which our teachers see everyday in the class, and based on the rule book.

3. Those who have been in number 1 and 2, means they will receive their report card tomorrow with their parents and that means they got.... um.. yeah, well.. 'problem' with their report card.

4. I haven't been mailed yet by my teacher about those things. But yeah well, my teacher text my dad that the students will be able to receive their report card if they had already paid the tuition until June. But in the end.....

In the end....

She wrote that she was just reminding my dad about it.

So yeah, until now I''m pretty safe. But wait. Maybe... It's because my teacher doesn't know why phone number to tell me that I won't get to the next grade?
Cause... You know.. I've changed my cell phone number and haven't told her about it..
Oh wait, sure I have. That day, yeah... On Tuesday.... onOctober or November, I think. Yeah, yeah I've told her.

AAAARRRGGGHHH, okay this is absolutely makin' me crazy!
Daaarrggghhh, Ican't take it anymore! Okay, then. Just be OPTIMIST and I WILL PASS MY 8TH GRADE WELL!! AMEN!! >:D

God bless,
-Kezia Tania-

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