I Found My New Template! >_^

By Kezia Tania - Wednesday, June 08, 2011

I FINALLY FOUND A NEW TEMPLATE FOR MY LOVELY BLOG!!! AH, YEAAAHH...!! Well, maybe this is not the best template but I love it anyway. Thanks a bunch to Shabby Fabrics and Shabby Blogs for your beautiful backgrounds! I LOVE IT, SERIOUSLY! >_^

They have so many beautiful and lovely and sweet backgrounds, you know. So I was searching on Google, if I could find cool templates again. And then I met these websites, so I clicked the link. And I was like, "man, these backgrounds are so sweet and beautiful!" but then I didn't downloaded the template 'cause it might have taken a long time to go.
But today, I was searching on Google again and finally found the template. Well, it's kinda like my old template but it doesn't have lotsa links to be clicked on. And it's kinda like Twitter backgrounds, cause it looks dead. Seriously. When you scroll my blog, it doesn't scroll. I mean, aaarrghh.. I don't know how to say it in English. I'm Indonesian and I'm not as smart as those who can speak English as their mother language. Duh~ whatever.
And I had edited some of my blogger settings like the title color, and the font, and kinds of those things. So anyway, thank you very much (again!) for Shabby Fabrics and Shabby Blogs for those absolutely cool and beautiful and sweet backgrounds! >_^

P.S: If you think that my blog's template now is kinda boring, you can tel me that by leave your idea in this post's comment. Thanks, before! :D

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