Gosh! Middle Test Semester is only 6 days more!

By Kezia Tania - Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Aaaahh!!.. I'm not ready for the Middle Test Semester! I mean,.. Hello?!.. Nggak kerasa banget, kan? Baru juga masuk sekolah di tahun 2010 ini bulan Januari, eh! Tau-tau udah bulan Maret aja, alias udah bulan-bulannya anak-anak ujian!

It's like.. I've been swallowed into the earth! Yeah, well. That's much.. much.. much better than having this very-very-very.. hard Middle Test Semester! (LOL)Aku sama sekali nggak nyadar, lho! Kalo ternyata ujian tengah semester udah tinggal 6 hari lagi!.. (That's insane. Yeah, I know that!) How can I be so.. this silly?!.. I never felt this 'oh, God! there's only 6 days more to having a Middle Test Semester' feeling before!
Masalahnya, aku belum siap nih melaksanakan mid-testnya!!!..... This is the worst feeling I ever had!!... Well, I hope God brings me joy and confident for me to face the exams!!... ^_<

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